10 Answers To Oprah Questions That Change Your Life

Maveen Kaura
7 min readJan 28, 2017


10 Answers To Oprah Questions That Change Your Life. Discover your life

Oprah Winfrey Live In Calgary

Like Oprah or not, she has a lot of knowledge. Answer some of life biggest questions and you will ensure you are headed in the right direction in life. Are you ready to go that way?

In the article, Do Yo Want To Know 1o Questions Oprah Asked Me, I reviewed a live event Oprah Winfrey held in Calgary, Alberta.

All readers were asked to check the questions and leave in the comment section an answer to one of the 10 questions.

Today we go deeper by answering all the questions Oprah asked on stage. I will answer the questions. How would you?

Oprah has the ability to connect to a crowd like no one else. She is exciting, compassionate, thrilling, loving and insightful.

Oprah is influenced by some of today’s spiritual leaders. She has a deep understanding of what living a life of significance means. Oprah understands how to live a successful life. She wants everyone to live a happy and life full of fortune.

The Questions

The questions presented in the previous article came to me as I listening to her speak.

The questions I wrote down were questions I felt she would ask us if she were to conduct the interview now.

Don’t you feel that Oprah would ask these tough questions of herself? I believe she was asked herself similar questions and continues to do so.

She has answered them and she has taken action. That is why she has a life many of us would love to live.

Answering these questions takes time and some inner reflection.

Answering The Questions Oprah Asked On Stage

What is the calling for my life?

The question is a big one and the answer may change as you grow and head in the direction you see your life headed. For me, I believe my calling is to help people. I learn something new everyday.

How will I help people in the future, I will see as I continue my journey. All I know is that I have experience and knowledge and others can benefit from it. Millions of people can make a better life for themselves even if the net change is only 1%.

How do I defines me?

There are many things which define us in life from the little things to all big things that we experience daily. There is a range of experiences that give us a wide sense of happiness, sadness, excitement or any other emotion you can name.

I find knowing who I am, regardless of what I face, is one thing that defines me no matter what happens to me. How I react or do not react will allow me to keep that inner peace.

What attributes connect me to my purpose?

Having positive people in my inner circle builds positive attributes in my life. What separate you from the negative people in this world?

When I think of the all the experiences I have had in my life I know having a good heart connects me to my purpose. I really do care for people, their success, happiness and overall well-being.

Sometimes I want all the good things for people more than they want it for them self. This can be hard sometimes but I know I bring a positive vibe everywhere I go. This allows people to connect with me and me with them.

I can connect with people in my way and help then change their world, if not at least it will help me change my world.

What does the voice inside me say to myself?

We all have an inner voice. Many of us try to push it away. I do my best to listen to it.

When we I sleep I believe that same voice talks to us through our dreams. The voice is my conscious mind helping me understand the good that will come from my decisions. It also let me understand the bad that may come from my decisions.

My long-term picture includes meditation, not quieting the inner voice but learn to listen to it differently than I have.

What do I believe about myself?

When most of us answer this question, we focus on the positive in our life. All the things that make us who we are. All the great things other people see in us, say to us and about us.

Everything we believe in is made up of all our experiences. We label those experience as positive or negative. Know one likes to focus on the negative believes about themselves. I do not like to look at the negative, but I do. Reflecting on the negative can show you where you want to change.

Why don’t we look at the negative? The main reason is we do not want to hurt our ego. If we do not look at it, then it allows us to believe that we I am not broken. For the most part I do believe we are perfect the way we are. But there is a part of us we all want to improve.

What message am I sending people with my words?

If your words are not positive not only do you hurt yourself but you could hurt those you care about. When I speak, I do my best to use words that are uplifting to the person I am speaking with.

I let people know they can accomplish anything if they truly want to accomplish the dreams that keep them going. The words I say to myself are just as important. The conscious and subconscious mind work together. So when I speak, I use my internal voice to program my mind with positive thoughts.

What I say will come to reality if I start believing it and take action. The mind works to ensure that it finds new ways to be successful. If you believe you will be a failure at something, then that will come true.

What message am I sending people with my actions?

They say actions speak louder than words. In a global society were many people email, talk on the phone, use their cell, text, use social media.

It can be hard to separate the fake talk from the real talk. Just like it can be hard to separate the real news from the fake.

I am accountable to myself and my wife, Lien. If I do not back up my words with action then my fear is she will not see me as the success I tell her I want to be for our family. This motivates me to work hard and do the things I am scared to do so I can accomplish all I want for us.

How did I get here? And how to I get to where I want to be?

How did I get here allows me to make sure I am on track with all the item I have on my focus board. This is a white board with all my goals listed. I look at my goals to ensure I am on track to completing the things I want to complete or to become the man I hope to be when I die.

How do I get where I want to be? This question allows me the opportunity to think through what has happen over the last month and re-game plan if I need to. Game planing allows me to stay on track and allows me to reconsider my strategy. Each day I ask what my next best move is. This is done so I can stay on the path to accomplish my dreams.

How do I turn my life around so I can head in the direction I see myself in?

Turning your life around does not happen in an instant but the decision to do so, does! Every day I envision my life the way I want it to be and then look for ways to make that a reality.

If I am not doing the things that get me to my goals then I have to take a serious look within myself to see where I am lacking the right direction and why.

What do I need to change about myself? How do I make that change? Why is this my chosen direction? Is this the direction I still want to go in?

Answer these questions and you will know why.

What will I learn today and how will I share it with others?

It is possible to be conscious as you live your life. Around every corner and bend there is an opportunity, a lesson or a moment to practice gratitude.

Every day when I wake up or before I go to bed I read from the books I chose to reading in January. I underline the words that speak to me. I listening to podcasts that help me grow in the direction I want to go.

At work I look to have high level conversations. If that is not possible I seek moments of silence. Writing allows me to share what I know with others.

The first person I share my knowledge with is my wife and she does the same for me. This makes us stronger so we can then go out and help people in the way we know how.


Can you sit and answer these questions. What other questions or thoughts did you have?

Answering these questions allow you to stay focused on your dream and goals. There were 3 things that Oprah said on stage that I also wrote down.

The phrases are paraphrased as I did not write them down word for word.

I believe these 3 phrases have allowed Oprah to be a success and we can apply her thoughts into our life to achieve the level of greatness we hope to achieve.

Take Action

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