Surprise! Your African Mom is Lowkey Naive

Wuraola Trebble
4 min readOct 7, 2017

Photo Credit:Pixabay

As an African woman your first teacher, mentor, best friend, is your mom. Now, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that until she starts to inculcate theories that were applicable in her generation to you in yours. Believing these theories don’t make her naive, that is how she was brought up by her mother and her mother by hers. What makes her naive is not being aware of the changes, accepting the theories over time without attempting a new hypothesis to refute them.

It is understandable that in the early days, there weren’t so many opportunities for Africans and even less African women. The African women that managed to stand out and fight to pursue their ambitions were described as aggressive feminists or prostitutes who slept their way up the ladder. African mom theories were birthed to limit the ambitions of an African woman and our mothers have come to live by them and even worse still pass them on. Fortunately, the game has changed. We now live in a new era where African women are more liberated. We can now celebrate female head of states, female bestselling authors, female best-selling artistes and so much more. But unfortunately, some of these ‘African mom theories’ are still very existent in 2017.

Here are 6 of the theories our African moms grew up with;

