The Problem with the world is Humans

Wuraola Trebble
3 min readJun 3, 2019
Photo Credit: Pixabay

It is no news that the world has become a very scary place and in my opinion, the reason for that is the human race. Recently, I have found myself battling between reading the news and ignoring the news because everyday it becomes more upsetting to bear. Every problem from climate change, terrorism, totalitarianism to rape, racism, tribalism can be traced to the one race who created it- Humans.

Since the beginning of time, according to the accounts in the Bible, the first problem of the world started with the serpent tempting the human and since then everything has gone south. In an effort to understand why the serpent chose the human above all the other animals, I came to an understanding that the human mind is created ‘selfish’- to look out for and protect his own best interest. This is what created room for the devil to take action and unfortunately for the human race that little event between the Devil and the human still takes place today everyday. That little selfish nature of humans is what birthed all of the problems that were created by humans as concepts for the coexistence of human race.

Personally, I think there are two sides to being selfish. There is the positive side and the negative side. The positive side helps you to put yourself first, create a working and sane way of keeping up with life. When you have it figured out then you can…

