

Assi Zichlinski, the CEO of MaxData, excitedly announced to the advisory board today the release of the company’s minimal viable product (MVP) as scheduled. The MVP, he explained, would allow the team’s developers to provide some of the functions of the MaxData platform through a basic environment. This first stage of app utilization provides validation, while allowing the developers to use early adopters’ feedback to upgrade the project and build the full-fledged platform envisioned by the founders.

So what does the current MVP showcase?

The first stage of the app provides core features and allows the users to run through the basic purchasing process envisioned by MaxData.

After registering, users are welcomed by the MaxData chatbot — the easy-to-use interface through which users will interact with the platform.

Users are asked to fill in their basic details anonymously: geographic location, what services they currently have (including the conditions of their contract), and what services they are interested in finding. Based on this information alone, the MaxData platform will immediately survey the current market and provide the users a tentative estimate of how much they could save on their service bills (based on the average price paid by similar users).

The user can then choose to share their anonymous data with service providers. This is one of the key components of the MaxData experience. First, the consumers themselves are in control of their personal information. Second, instead of depending on expensive data marketing middlemen to identify potential customers, service providers are hearing from the people themselves what they actually want and what they are currently paying for it. Thus, service providers can bypass the pricey marketing processes, and construct attractive offers — to relevant people — for much lower costs.

What’s the next stage of development?

So what is missing from the MVP?

“This app provides a taste of MaxData, but it is still not the full platform we envisioned,” explains MaxData CTO Shimon Ben-Harosh, “we currently have a relatively small group of users, and offer only a limited number of services — a far cry from the global scale we intend to reach”. The company intends to eventually offer users the ability to purchase everything from products, to utilities, to insurance and more. He continued and explained the drive to improve the efficiency of the blockchain itself — increasing the gas efficiency and performance levels.

Additionally, the MVP has only the most basic functions and capabilities. The project currently sits only on the web; the development team is already hard at work on finishing the mobile platform. They are also planning to open an API to increase the projects’ transparency and accessibility. Finally, they want to upgrade the tagging mechanisms of the blockchain transactions. This opens up exciting opportunities for BI and search capabilities for the service providers.

“Eventually, we want to provide a universal scale transaction platform,” Zichlinski notes, “one where any business can connect and enjoy the automated benefits of the future of the service economy. Once we release such a version, we can truly implement the global revolution we envision.”

About MaxData: MaxData utilizes blockchain technology to reinvent the global service economy to bring tangible benefits to the masses. Their platform facilitates the direct connection between consumers and businesses, transforming the way people buy their services. The company’s vision is to give ownership and profits on personal data back to consumers, reducing consumers’ cost of living while giving unprecedented value to companies making them more efficient and reducing their marketing costs.

MaxData was founded by Assi Zichlinski, the CEO, an esteemed figure in the Israeli hi-tech scene — with years of experience in the financial and technological worlds. In recent years, he has melded his knowledge in both these spheres to come to the fore of the cryptocurrency scene.

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MaxData: Discover the new service economy

MaxData provides companies with a platform to save billions of dollars on marketing, thus greatly reducing consumers’ cost of living. Read more: