The 4th Dimension

2 min readSep 17, 2018


Time and space are both the dimensions which have taken away thoughts of many eminent scientists, each one has come up with a theory to explain the differences and similarities shared by them. Another theory comes up every one or two months but complete exploration of the secrets are still not very clear.

Considering Time as the fourth dimension is the new idea, which though appears new but had been of many known scientists of the past. The depiction of all four of them in a single graph and using known axes is quite complicated and not at all understandable. Below you’ll find my way of depicting them.

Like any other dimension whether length, breadth and height denoted by the three well-known axes, my depiction of time is on a set of another virtual axis. For instance, think of an apple kept on a table, we can easily describe it’s position and state in 3D using X,Y and Z-axes but what about time, actually the virtual axis time is the only thing stationary in our depiction which suggests that the whole of the 3D is moving with respect to time only in forward direction depicting changes in the state of the apple with time. Let me wrap up what I said (see below).

T-axis denoting forward flow of time (not parallel to X)


Showing anything at rest is the easiest as all X, Y and Z are not changing with time the whole of 3D for a particular instant will be the same for all instances.

Time is flowing but three axis not changing as the object is at rest


For a moving object the axes will change values like in a normal graph but with we have different instances of the object plotted.

The basic strategy behind this depiction we made is like a timeline for a video editing software or animation builder. The scale of what ever flexibility suits you will be your instant to be plotted and thus every known motion will be plotted using this depiction strategy.Visualizing the fourth dimension using known system is something difficult and understanding that level of complication makes it non-trivial.

Human exploration will never come to an end and so we will have more theories every now and then make sure you explore it further.

