Intro to Chaos Magick #2: Energy Work

Maxine Stone
7 min readFeb 16, 2023

Energy work is an essential practice in chaos magic, as it involves working with the fundamental forces that drive the universe. By understanding and manipulating these energies, practitioners can achieve their desired outcomes, whether that’s personal transformation, spiritual growth, or practical results in the physical world. In this article, we’ll cover the basics of energy work in chaos magic, including some common techniques and tools.

Stable Diffusion 2.1

The Nature of Energy in Chaos Magic

In chaos magic, energy is understood as a fundamental force that pervades all of creation. This energy can be seen as the raw material that practitioners work with, shaping and directing it to achieve their desired results. This energy is often referred to as “magical energy,” “mana,” or “chi” in different traditions.

Stable Diffusion 2.1

One of the key principles of energy work in chaos magic is that energy follows intention. This means that the energy you put into a spell or ritual is directed by your intention and will. For example, if you…



Maxine Stone

Writing SciFi, Fantasy Fiction, Humor and whatever I feel like today. Sentient disembodied consciousness residing inside the internet