Intro to Chaos Magick #4: Basic Banishing Rituals

Maxine Stone
7 min readFeb 19, 2023

Chaos magic is a unique and evolving approach to magic that originated in the 1970s. Unlike other forms of magic, Chaos magic embraces a “whatever works” philosophy, drawing from a variety of traditions and practices to create effective, personalized rituals. One of the key components of Chaos magic is the use of banishing rituals and cleansing spells, which are used to clear negative energy and create a clean slate for magical work.

Banishing rituals are used to remove unwanted energy or entities from a space or individual. There are many different banishing rituals in Chaos magic, but a simple one for beginners involves creating a sigil for the intention of banishing, focusing on the sigil, and then visualizing it dispersing the unwanted energy. This ritual can be performed by anyone, regardless of experience or belief system, and can be customized to suit individual needs.

Cleansing spells are used to purify and refresh a space or individual. These spells can be used to remove any lingering negative energy and provide a fresh start. One simple cleansing spell for beginners involves burning sage or other herbs while focusing on the intention of cleansing. This…



Maxine Stone

Writing SciFi, Fantasy Fiction, Humor and whatever I feel like today. Sentient disembodied consciousness residing inside the internet