What are the different types of Pallet Racking Systems?

Maxstor Pty Ltd
3 min readMar 19, 2019


Racking systems are not similar. They are vivid and varied, based on the needs of the client. When you want to install a pallet racking system in the warehouse, it is essential to know a few popular pallet systems.

Selective pallet racking

A) It is ideal for FIFO inventory movement, and one of the most commonly used arrangements.

B) The storage utilization is 90%, and it offers unfettered access to any pallet.

C) When the pallet per SKU is less, and you need free access to any pallet; selective pallet racking is ideal.

When space is limited, and the pallet per SKU is more, this is not the best pallet racking arrangement.

Push-back racking

a) It is suitable for a FIFO inventory movement.

b) The standard arrangement is two pallets deep and useful when full pallet storage is intended.

c) The utilization percentage is 85 to 90 percent.

d) It is the ideal arrangement when the storage density is high, and there are more pallets per SKU.

The push-back racking mechanism is not suitable when pallet to pallet contact can cause damage to the items.

Double deep pallet racking

· It is ideal for FILO inventory movement.

· It needs the clear aisle of 3m to 3.5m.

· The utilization percentage is 85 to 90 percent.

· When the storage density required is higher, and the pallet per SKU is more, it is the best choice.

Double deep pallet racking system is not very much suitable when you need to perform order picking from pallets, and there are many SKUs with a single pallet.

Pallet live racking

1) It is ideal for a FIFP arrangement

2) It requires a clear aisle of 3 to 3.4 meters.

3) Here the pallets are placed on gravity roll tracks, and they move via gravitational pull from entry to exit.

4) In this arrangement, there is a single lane per SKU.

5) Typical utilization is 85 to 90 percent.

6) When the pallets per SKU is high, and stock moves at fast rate.

It is not an ideal situation when the order picking is required, and the number of pallets per SKU is small.

Drive-in racking

  1. The mechanism is ideal for the FILO arrangement.

2. There are clear aisles of 3 to 3.4 meters, and 3.5 to 4 meters for counterbalanced forklifts.

3. It can be 6 to 7 pallets high, and 10 to 12 pallets deep.

4. The average utilization is 50 to 60 percent.

It is not suitable in a situation when the order picking is to be done from pallets. Also, when the utilization is expected more than 60 percent.

Maxstor Pty Ltd has more than 15+ years experience in the storage solution industry. It is mainly focused in pallet racking, industrial shelving, commercial shelving. Further details please Maxstor Pty Ltd call us at 0407 546 044.

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Maxstor Pty Ltd

Maxstor Pty LTD is an independent distributor of storage systems based in Adelaide servicing South Australia, the Northern Territory. https://www.maxstor.com.au