We Are Making Crappy Memes And Killing Them One Meme At A Time

Rachit Varma
3 min readJul 15, 2017


Memes. The beautiful little images with text aimed to make people laugh and share the joy with others. Memes. Some people call it meem and some call it may-may but their love towards these seemingly inconsequential little pockets of joy is unconditional. Memes. You may get them or you may not but they’re all around you and they make you smile.

And memes... You all fucked them over. You’ve all abused the fuck out of memes and are killing them one meme at a time. And I don’t get why. Why do we always abuse whatever little trend that catches our attention? Why do we always have to overdo it? Why is it that we always eventually get so obsessed with such trends that we eventually start hating them? And why the hell are we treating memes the same way? Can’t we be civil and just put a stop to it all? Can’t we just go back to the time when memes were NOT about memes?

I don't care if your meme is funny, not funny, ugly, political, extremely offensive, lame, about dead babies, about abuse, about harassment, about cancer, about life, about death, about Modi, about Gandhi, about me, about you as long as they are NOT about memes themselves. I mean, for fuck’s sake, we're so lame and out of ideas that all our memes are about memes now.

“When your friend forgets to tag you in memes”

“When you crush tags you in a meme”

“When your mother tags you in a meme that's about unsafe sex but she doesn't get it”

STOP. Memes are not supposed to be about the concept of memes. And we're down to the level where we are making memes about people making memes.

“Oh his meme game is strong”

“Oh when she makes funnier memes than you”

“Oh when you eat memes and shit memes”

Yaar matlab bahut nahi ho gaya? Can’t you think of some original concept and make a meme about something more original? Something that’s got nothing to do with memes? There’s so many things around us. Make a meme on the ever growing population of India. Make a meme on how there are more dogs getting kidnapped in Gurgaon than people. Make a meme on that Abdul chap from Shaan who sings songs happily even if he’s differently abled and poor as fuck. Just please stop making memes on memes. Stop making memes about tagging people in memes. Stop making memes about you crying if you’re not tagged in a fucking meme for like 5 fucking minutes.

You’re killing the joy of making memes. This is not why memes were brought into this world. This wasn’t their purpose. If we continue at this rate, soon we’ll be all out of quality memes and all we’ll be left with is fucking Twitter screenshots of cyber comedians who earn fuckloadsa money, more than me, by simply tweeting the shit outta their phones all day long sitting alone in their balcony sipping on 8 PM whisky.

We still have some time. We can still save this world. Only if y’all would read this and understand what you’re doing to the ecosystem of the interwebz. The Internet may be a great information sharing tool which has radically changed all our lives but if you sit back for a minute and think about this for a second you’ll realise that the real purpose of the internet is to actually make people laugh. The randomness. The funny images. The strange comments on YouTube. Reddit. 9gag. 4chan. They’re not path breaking technologies that are competing with CERN but they’re in fact the cosmic core of all the good that is left in the world. And you buggers sitting in Kalyan and Marathahalli and Noida just don’t care. Shame.

I hope to live a life full of memes but I know they won't be there for long. I won't give up though and will continue to make and support original memes no matter how good or bad they are. I'll fight till the memes’ last breath and will even resurrect them if need be. I know I'll have very few allies but I'm willing to risk it all for the greater good.

Now who’s with me?

