The Authentic Eclectic

What Makes Someone Beautiful?

The Beautiful People

Maya Marcotte
2 min readDec 4, 2021


We know the massive amount of inequality in the roles women get in Hollywood and the salary a woman makes in contrast to a man. But the issue doesn’t begin there. How a female presents herself is often what makes her valuable or not. Humans have conditioned themselves to only see what creators want us to see.

typography of the word, “me” using words like “unique, distinct, one, individual”
Image: Pixabay

When we look at empowered commercials, television, movies or women that we deem as empowered, we see people speaking truth. Speaking their specific, unique truth. But what if beauty goes far beyond that?

What if beauty is defined by one’s experiential resilience and the contradictions revealed? I love when people throw me for a loop and teach me, “what looks like a duck and talks like a duck is not always a duck.”

Those teaching experiences show me some of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen.

unique yellow umbrella among grey umbrellas
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

I turn my head and appreciate the physical beauty of anyone, whether male, female or undefined. I see connections and symmetry and balance in the design of God’s hand. God — frequency — the demiurge — is an artist. Whomever you…

