Want better photos? Try Polarizing Filters

Gary P. McMullen
2 min readApr 13, 2017


Want to improve your landscape images?

Polarizing filters screw into the front threads of a lens. So, they’re made in diameters specific to each lens’ front opening diameter. And they can (obviously) enhance your images. They help reduce reflections in glass, on water, painted metal, add drama to cloudscapes, and more. There are actually polarizers that can slide into mounts in front of a lens, which may work with ALL lens diameters. But, they’re just not as good (in my opinion) as those made for specific lens’ front diameters. Any camera store can help you select the polarize(s)r best for your lens(s).

Each polarizer is constructed as two-filters-in-one. Each filter disk (there are two) spins independently of the other. So, screw-in the polarizer, aim the lens at the subject you want to enhance, then turn the outermost filter ring until the desired effect is reached. To enhance the sky and foliage colors in your landscape photography, put the sun over your shoulder — roughly in a 45-degree arc behind or in front of your shoulder will work nicely. Then, slowly spin the outer filter and watch the magic. Polarizers don’t work if the lens is aimed at or near the sun’s position in front o, or behind you — jjust sun- over- the-shoulder, within the 45 degree arc described.

Polarizers are dark glass. So, you’ll want to set your D-SLR camera’s Mode Dial to Full Auto (the green box) or P (programmed automatic).all depending on the ambient light. You’re best using a tripod. But, then, for landscapes, you should always use a tripod, right? Right. There’s more polarizers can do, and a bit of searching online will reveal all.



Gary P. McMullen

I'm a 30-year, international award-winning studio and commercial photographer accredited in the U.S. and U.K. for my portrait, commercial and candid work.