Deglobalization is Coming and Here’s Why

R. Shawn McBride
Published in
7 min readMay 27, 2019


What we need to be watching

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Technology and globalization. The two go hand-in-hand, right?

Do a quick search on the internet and you’ll find a lot of articles, like this one, suggesting that technology brings the world together.

But not so fast! Let’s take a look at what is actually happening.

If we look behind the scenes, at the macro events going on it the geopolitical environment, we’ll see that we are on the verge of a very interesting, very powerful and very under-reported sea change.

The world governments, sometimes intentionally and sometimes unintentionally, are actually taking actions which are going to pull us back into regional and separated spheres again.

We have been watching this trend as part of our commitment to the future of business on the Future Done Right™ Show. This is such an important part of the shaping of human history that we should all be knowledgeable about what is happening and plan accordingly.

This is really different than what people predicted for a long time.

Let’s jump into what’s really happening right now after a little history.

A Lot of Globalization Was An Accident



R. Shawn McBride

The Planning Done Right Guy(TM) — focus: The Future of Business — host of The Future Done Right(TM) Show on YouTube.