Should You Pay Your Employees To Vacation?

It Might Make More Sense Than You Think

R. Shawn McBride
7 min readDec 31, 2019
Image by MustangJoe from Pixabay

Should you pay your employees to do nothing?

More specifically should you pay them to go on vacation?

According to Yahoo Finance Denver-based tech company FullContact does just that. Employees get paid to take a vacation every year — if they unplug from technology during the trip.

And the last point is interesting — the payment is contingent on the employee doing what the employer wants — unplugging — which may provide a host of benefits to the employer.

So let’s dig into it. Should we pay our employees to do nothing?

Benefit 1: Employee Morale

One of the best things about vacation is that it, generally, makes people happy. The CEO of FullContact told Business Insider that he sees people happy and more ready to work when they come back from vacation.

And that makes a lot of sense. I know from my experience, and from talking to others, that many of us just enjoy getting away. Somewhere new with new timelines and different experiences.

And in the long-term motivated employees should pay dividends — better innovation, better and better customer service.



R. Shawn McBride

The Planning Done Right Guy(TM) — focus: The Future of Business — host of The Future Done Right(TM) Show on YouTube.