Why I Search to End Relationships Before They Start

R. Shawn McBride
4 min readMay 12, 2019
Photo by Vera Arsic via Pexels.com

There’s a lot of dating advice out there on the internet. And then there’s the advice we get from friends. One common thing you’ll hear from others is some variation of “don’t end your relationship before it starts,” or “don’t go looking for ways to end your relationship.”

As I’ve dated more and more I’ve started taking the opposite tactic. I think it’s time we start looking to end our relationships sooner than later.

Yes, it’s unromantic. But living in an age where around 50% of marriages end in divorce — and less significant relationships end even more often — isn’t it time we just get it over with? What’s the point of keeping blinders on either side if our relationship isn’t going to work.

Let’s find out now. Why waste our time.

Just like they would tell you in Silicon Valley, “go fast and break things.” Let’s break our relationships sooner so we can get on to the good ones. The ones that might last. The ones that will fill our lives.

No Pressure is Unrealistic

The “standard” advice is about keeping pressure off of the relationship early in the relationship. What world does this come from?

Is there truly any area of human endeavor that has no pressure? Our jobs have pressure. Our family has pressure…



R. Shawn McBride

The Planning Done Right Guy(TM) — focus: The Future of Business — host of The Future Done Right(TM) Show on YouTube. https://linktr.ee/ourshawnmcbride