Breaking in #BigBlue

A live blog of Claire’s Veterans and Military Families Tour

Team Claire
8 min readMay 29, 2018

#BigBlue Out

Our tour may be over, but Claire’s work on veterans issues continues. Join her team by texting CLAIRE to 83224!

Until next time,

— #BigBlue 🚌

Posted Thursday, 6:07 p.m.


Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I can’t believe how many veterans and military family members came out to join us for this week’s tour. I honestly feel so blessed to have so many of you in my corner — and I promise to spend every day in the Senate fighting to make you proud. Together we’ve made significant of progress on veterans issues, but there is still so much more to do. Let’s get it done.

— Claire

Posted Thursday, 5:09 p.m.


We just wrapped up our last event of the tour in Arnold! The folks here were so kind and so many of them have already been hard at work to re-elect Claire. Claire shared updates with everyone on the great work she’s doing fighting for our veterans, but it was healthcare that again dominated the conversation.

When Claire told folks that she’d like to allow individuals between 55 and 65 years old buy into Medicare, the crowd erupted in applause and one woman even ran up to Claire in tears to give her a hug.

It’s clear that these veterans and their military families are proud to have Claire in their corner (and we know she’s proud to have them in hers).

— #TeamClaire

Posted Thursday, 4:47 p.m.


This is what fighting for veterans looks like.

— #TeamClaire

Posted Thursday, 2:05 p.m.


I’m not gonna lie, I may have taken a few extra minutes getting out of bed this morning before kicking off the third leg of this tour — but then I remembered the folks I was going to see in Hannibal, like my dear friend John Yancey in the picture below. These men and women have given so much to our country, and frankly, I don’t think they always receive the respect they’re due. That’s why I’m going to keep getting out of bed every single morning and fighting to make sure our servicemembers know just how much they mean to us.

One way we can do that is by making sure that those with mental health issues receive the care they need. That starts with eliminating the stigma around mental illness and making sure that all of our veterans receive mental health screenings before being discharged. We owe it to our vets to give them the best care we can give — and that includes mental health treatment.

— Claire

Posted Thursday, 12:27 p.m.

Missouri women get things done

Claire will tell you herself: When it comes to fighting for veterans or meeting with the folks she represents — she’s not afraid of reaching across the aisle to get things done.

— #TeamClaire

Posted Thursday 9:06 am

Text CLAIRE to 83224

Day 2 was a success! We met with folks from Kansas City, St. Joe, and Columbia today. And you know what each event had in common? At all three events, veterans and civilians alike asked Claire what they can do to help her this November. We’ll tell you exactly what she told them: Take out your phone right now and text CLAIRE to 83224. You’ll thank us later!

— #TeamClaire

Posted Wednesday, 7:42 p.m.


Honored. There’s no other way to put it. Today I had the honor to tell the stories of not one — but two WWII Prisoners of War. These men fought for their country, were captured by enemy combatants, and still overcame it all. There’s not much I can do that could match the level of service that these men have given to our country, but you can bet I’ll fight like hell every day to honor it. Thank you Ralph and Wilburn for showing us all what it means to truly be men and women of service.

— Claire

Posted Wednesday, 4:38 p.m.

St. Joseph

I just want to say thank you to all the friendly faces who showed up to our stop in St. Joe. So many of you are perfect examples of what can happen when we cut through the red tape and get our veterans the care they need — but don’t for a second try and give me extra credit for it. This is my job, and I can’t imagine walking into work every day and not trying to fight for those who have sacrificed so much for us. To those men and women, thank you.

— Claire

Posted Wednesday, 12:56 p.m.

Paul’s on #TeamClaire

Missouri veterans know they can count on Claire to fight for them and their families.

— #TeamClaire

Posted Wednesday, 11:17 a.m.

Kansas City

First stop of Day 2 and we’re in Kansas City! Folks here were arriving before we could even open the doors. Again, healthcare dominated the conversation — and Claire told folks that she will continue to oppose any attempt to privatize the VA health system. That was met with a thunderous applause.

— #TeamClaire

Posted Wednesday, 9:32 a.m.


Today in Joplin, I heard the same thing I’m hearing all over the state — folks are worried about how they’re going to afford healthcare for themselves and their loved ones. The veterans at our event may have their veterans health benefits, but too many of them are still facing obstacles in getting the care they need. That’s why I’m fighting tooth and nail to expand access to quality, affordable healthcare for all Missourans — veterans and their families included.

— Claire

Posted Tuesday, 5:15 p.m.

Students Interview Claire

After our stop in Springfield, three students from Strafford Middle School jumped on #BigBlue to interview Claire for their class documentary.

Their final question: What message do you have for young women?

Her answer: Never be afraid to work hard and fight for what you believe in — you might just end up in the Senate.

Posted Tuesday, 2:48 p.m.

Arla Harrell

At our Springfield stop, Claire told the crowd about the courageous story of Missouri veteran, Arla Harrell — who was secretly subjected to mustard gas experiments as a soldier in WWII. Read his amazing story here.

— #TeamClaire

Posted Tuesday, 2:06 p.m.

Left: Darrell Cope, Claire, and Ed Janosik. Right: Darrell Cope in 1944.


I was so honored to see these two gentleman here at our second stop in Springfield. Like my father, these two men served in WWII and showed the world what American courage and perseverance look like. Knowing that these two have my back — I can’t tell you how blessed that makes me feel.

— Claire

Posted Tuesday, 12:47 p.m.


We just wrapped the first stop of our tour at the Westside Cafe in Waynesville. The veterans in Pulaski County were thrilled to welcome Claire to their local diner and thanked her for her hard work fighting for them and their families in the Senate.

Claire told them she’s just getting warmed up.

— #TeamClaire

Posted Tuesday, 10:13 a.m.

We’re hitting the road!

I’m so excited to kick off our Veterans and Military Families Tour today. As the daughter of a WWII veteran, I’ve always considered fighting for retired and active duty servicemembers and their families one of the most important parts of my job. This week I’ll be meeting with veterans and their families from all over the Show Me State to discuss how we can continue making sure these heroes receive the benefits, treatment, and respect that they’ve earned. So strap in, and follow along here for live updates from the trail!

Signing out for now,

— Claire

P.S. If you see our bus on the road, tag us on social media and use the hashtag #BigBlue!

Posted Tuesday, 8:43 a.m.



Team Claire

The official Medium account for McCaskill for Missouri. Join #TeamClaire by texting CLAIRE to 83224!