React & Docker for Development and Production

Josh McMenemy
3 min readFeb 12, 2017

Why you would want to use Docker for dev and production:

  • Quick on-boarding (anyone with Docker installed can start coding without setting up any other dependencies)
  • Dev environment is the same as production

What you will learn in this article:

  • How to write a single Dockerfile that allows you to build a dev container that will reload code changes you make locally (without rebuilding the container) and a production container that serves the static files
  • This is done using shared volumes, create-react scripts, and build arguments

How to do it:

For this demonstration we will use Facebook’s create-react-app tool. This tool allows the quick set up of code hot-reloading for development and optimized static files for production. To install run the following command in your terminal:

$ npm install -g create-react-app

Then create a new project:

$ mkdir myApp
$ cd myApp
$ create-react-app frontend

Now add a Docker file with the following code:



Josh McMenemy

Investigating computational biology at Openzyme. Previously a software engineer on the computational biology team at Synthego.