SwiftUI Preview Power(💪)

1 min readMay 24, 2020


Very small things, but supreme tips

Welcome Guys,

It’s basic but useful update in SwiftUI.

In traditional development in iOS (swift or objective c, Storyboard or Xib), when we have to create a design layout every time we need to check in different devices or simulators and also check the different mode (Dark, Light). Right?

Apple comes up with new things or you can say supreme feature for developer in SwiftUI, It’s called Preview. It’s removed developer typically a heavy load to Change device or simulator every time and review its design with different mode.

Environment Mode

Multiple device on same time

For more details of preview mode, please review below link https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/view/3278637-previewdevice

If you have any comments or questions, please respond below! I’d love to hear from you.




I'm an accomplished iOS programmer with more than 12 years of experience working in a collaborative environment with tight deadlines.