Life Lessons From Lady Danbury In The Queen Charlotte Netflix Series

Reflections of a Modern Woman

Me and My Muse
Modern Women


Photo by Dennis Irorere on Unsplash

The character Lady Danbury in Julia Quinn’s historical romance novels, and Netflix series, I had never heard of. In fact, I never indulged in the novels or Bridgeton Netflix series until Queen Charlotte’s story burst onto the scene in early 2023. Everyone was talking about Queen Charlotte from my older sister overseas, to my partner. It was he who said to me, “we need to watch this series!” I imagine he probably thought the diversity, and black female representation in Queen Charlotte’s story would interest me. He wasn’t wrong, I adored the whole first series, however it was Lady Danbury’s character that spoke to me.

Lady Danbury is a fictional character the author made up as part of her own creative process, while re-telling Queen Charlotte’s reign over England. What I noticed as I watched each episode, was that Lady Danbury has a lot of experiences that women of today, especially black women can learn from. It was even more pleasing to see that Lady Danbury was portrayed by dark skinned black female actresses, which made her plight even more relatable, this was a full black woman representing her royal African blood. I watched and admired as I connected the dots between her life experiences and the life experiences of many black women today.



Me and My Muse
Modern Women

A Londoner, essayist, crime fiction writer, humanitarian, avid reader. Writing about 'womanist' topics, race, gender, society, and what's important worldwide.