Why Are Women Set Up To Fail?- Studies Show It Happens

Work place competition and inequality it’s a thing according to studies

Me and My Muse
11 min readApr 14, 2024


Image created by author via Canva

How many ways can you think of that women are disadvantaged in the work place? Pay, working hours, job opportunities. I’d take a bet you considered these typical things we often see, hear, or read about.

What about a simple thing such as competition — as in, competition within a team, job, or work place culture and/or environment?

This is something often encouraged by employers, bosses, and even CEO’s of companies as “just a bit of fun.” Or even a way to “build team ethic” in the work place, in order to motivate employees and get the best out of their staff.

If we deep dive into the data from a recent study, published in January 2024, it could be argued competition is just another way to disenfranchise women, and it helps promote inequality between the genders when it comes to accessing higher pay.

This month we had some news surface that caught my eye, Goldman Sachs (UK) seem to have a problem with paying women fairly — even if women in the UK branch of the organisation are the ones evidenced to be working the hardest, smartest, and better performing as they…



Me and My Muse

A Londoner, essayist, crime fiction writer, humanitarian, avid reader. Writing about 'womanist' topics, race, gender, society, and what's important worldwide.