You cannot have Batman as your God. Here is why!

Raghavendra M
4 min readSep 24, 2017



Yesterday, a friend asked me a question — can one make Batman one’s favourite deity?

A deity is a God-form that you choose as your personal favourite. Then you start developing a deeper connection, which helps your life in many ways. You can choose anything in existence as your personal deity. But, Batman?

For any form to be a deity, there are three prerequisites — three crucial qualities it should fulfill.

Before entering into that part, let’s discuss how having the Batman as chosen God will work.

In the Yoga Sutra, Patanjali gives a formula — Baleshu Hasti Baladini.

If you do Samyama on the power of an elephant, the power of the elephant enters into you. You become as powerful.

So, what is Samyama? It includes three steps — Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi.

You consider the power of an elephant, meditate on it and finally in your mind, you will become one with the power of the elephant. In the deepest meditative state, the Samadhi, you will only have this one thought, and you will experience yourself having this power.

Similarly, if you consider Batman as your beloved deity, many things will happen. The first is, if you focus deeply on the qualities of the Batman, you will soon have those qualities.

At the same time, an urge arises in you to take the responsibilities that the Batman takes up. You will have the urge to fight social evils, help people and remain a vigilante for all your life.

But if you are a businessman, having the Batman as your god will not serve your purpose. The character of the Batman that enter in you will not help you remain a good businessman. With Batman as your God, you can become a social reformer, a fighter for social justice.

So, you need to choose a deity that is supportive of your life’s purpose and mission.

The Three prerequisites of God

Now, back to the three prerequisites that I have mentioned earlier. To choose a deity as your personal God, you need to BELIEVE that this deity should be:

  1. Omnipotent
  2. Omniscient
  3. All-pervading

That means, the deity that you have chosen should be all-powerful and nothing in the whole existence can defeat him.

Secondly, the deity should be all-knowing. It should know answers to all your questions. (Not the questions in your quiz book, but the existential questions that are related to your life.) If your deity does not know answers to all your questions, why do you call the deity a God?

The third point is, the God should be all-pervading. A deity that is located in a certain place cannot help you everywhere and every time.

So, your chosen deity should be — omnipotent, omniscient and all-pervading.

How a deity operates completely depends on your BELIEF.

If your inherent belief says that the God you choose to worship is not all-powerful, then your efforts become futile. While it is possible to develop a belief in your mind, it is very difficult to believe that Batman is all-powerful. You know that any Bane can defeat Batman any time. So, it won’t work.

The choice of a deity

While the three qualities discussed earlier can be attributed to many deities, choosing a deity needs other considerations.

The next set of qualities of a deity are explored keeping in mind your whole life and its purpose.

For example, if you want to become a great leader, you can choose Krishna as your deity. Krishna demonstrated some of the greatest leadership and statesmanly qualities during his lifetime.

Otherwise, if you want to become a great sportsman, then you can select Hanuman as your deity. Did you know that Hanuman exhibited some of the peak possibilities of the Yoga? He could turn his body to the size of a mustard or even to the size of a mountain. He had complete control over his body.

Understand that the deity you choose represents your own cosmic possibilities. It should help you to flower and reach the peak of your possibilities — achieve your life’s mission.

The whole process of devotion includes selecting a deity and designing your life around it. This will put you in a continuous forward journey — from success to success. No more looking back.

Once you are on this path, it will have a great impact on your lifestyle. It will improve your morning routine, enrich your health, and strengthen your family and social relationships.

But if you don’t choose the right deity, then it may hinder your overall progress and keep you distressed.

If you can understand the whole process well, then choosing a deity and redesigning your life around it will be easy.

You can read The Magic of Devotion to understand it better. Also, can sign up for an upcoming online course that will hand-hold you into this path. Or Follow me on Facebook for the updates.

If you have any question, you can ask in the comments section below.

