4 min readJul 13, 2023
  • How to learn and improve your English.
Picture taken from Pinterest.

The first thing I would use to do very frequently was that I used to observe people whose English I used to like. So there was a girl when I was I was just 10 years old I guess, I still remember her. I used to like the way she speak and everybody used to like her actually. Thing that I noticed most about her was that she never used to try impress people with her English. She used to be very natural very simple and with the minimum possible words she would just express her idea to the other person and move on and that’s something that I think I picked from her. People use to focus upon impressing people and using all fancy words but I don’t really think that you need that. You don’t need fancy words, you just need most simple words. All that is important is getting your thoughts across.

If you are using fancy words but your expression is lost and you are not being able to convey what you wanted to say, your thoughts, your communication can never be good. You may have a very good command on your English but having a good command over communication is totally different. You may be very good with your technical aspects of English but unless you are able to convey your thoughts, unless you are able to express yourself your communication will always remain poor.

Next thing I would like to suggest everyone is start reading books. I was never interested in reading books neither am I now. I don’t like reading books but I use to do that because I knew if I wanted to learn something which I actually don’t know or I am not good at. I would learn it from one who have good command over it. I used to do the reading on internet also and I still do and whenever I see a good new word. I look it up in the dictionary. Now another problem is that people think if I am going too see 10 words in a day in the dictionary I am going to remember 10. NO a big NO. If I look up 100 words in a dictionary in a span of three months. I am telling you I can barely remember eight or ten of them and my purpose is solved that’s only how much I need to know. You cannot remember all the words that you look up in a dictionary. The thing that really helped me after the habit of observing people, the live examples was my habit of watching Netflix, mostly because I wanted to learn their speaking skills and I think it did a fair job for me. So whatever you read right now, whatever way you feel I wrote here and the way I tall I think more fifty percent of it is because of my habit of watching American shows and I would say please inculcate this habit and if you are still not doing that I don’t know who you should blame but I guess you should blame yourself. Then one more thing I used to do was I used to push myself for public speaking. I used to go up to people try and talk to them in English. I used to talk to my cousins whenever they come to Pakistan.

See we all make mistakes and people will also laugh on us but that’s totally fine this is the way how we learn and if somebody is laughing at you probably the fault is not in you the fault is in their character. If they are trying to laugh and break somebody spirit so there is something wrong with them. Your spirit is perfectly fine, you are doing the right thing for yourself. The thing I think played a very important role is my observation, the more you observe the more you learn. One more thing that will help you a lot will be your writing. See speaking, listening,writing,reading these things cannot be separated from each other when you are trying to learn English. They all go together. So you have to do all these together. If you want to speak properly you will have to get into the habit of writing also because when you write you think, you get a chance to think and that is when you will correct yourself more often. So this is a kind of workout you need to do daily. Just like if you wanna build your body you have to work out daily same goes for this if you want to build your language you have to again work out daily by speaking in that language. And yes don’t make it burden. Enjoy the path, enjoy the journey.