Mecha : “ Let the game begin ” A Player’s Request.

2 min readAug 9, 2022


With all the postings on the internet about Mecha, people demand that it is time to release the game and they are excited to see how the features push through beyond the limit of other NFT games. There are speculations that Mecha will be the next evolutionize Blockchain game because Mecha proposes that token value depreciation will finally resolve by stabilizing through a burning mechanism. Players will not worry anymore about the constant loss of their money.

Mecha wants to satisfy the players’ expectations of the game. The developers want a continuous challenge for the players to keep their mind exhilarated even if it is a TCG ( Trading Card Game) design. This design was way back in the 90’s and it was first used by the Pokemon game. Mecha believes this game design will give nostalgia and fun to players while playing with their friends, families and community.

The game will be coming out soon and players will experience the most amazing TCG game of all time. Everybody loves robots and the Mecha will introduce the different variants and skills in the game. There will be a level ranking that makes the player eager to surpass other players in order to become stronger to win more battles.

The date of the release will soon be announced.

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Mecha Infinity is a world full of infinite possibilities and explorations. Welcome to join us, use your imagination to create your mecha world