[ANN] 1st PreSale Process FAQ

Published in
4 min readNov 15, 2017

MediBloc 1st Pre-Sale Process FAQ

1. Can I send 3000QTUM in separate transactions?

A. During the 1st Pre Sale, you must send 3000 QTUM at once. Even if you send it from the same wallet address, the single transaction must be at least 3000QTUM.

2. Should I only use “Receiving Address”?

A. Yes. Please use “Receiving Address” for the QTUM core wallet.

3. I sent QTUM. Will I get MED right away?

A. Everyone will receive MED once the Token Sale is over (12/15) and your KYC is approved. You should expect to get it in 1 month.

4. How do I know how much MED I should receive?

A. We will add a dashboard on the MediBloc website where you will be able to check that info. Please be patient.

5. How do I confirm that the transactions have been complete?

A. You can find out on Qtum Explorer (https://explorer.qtum.org/).

6. I made a new Receiving Address. The Sender Address does now show up.

A. You must have at least one previous transaction for the Sender Address to show up. If you have never made a transaction, you can transfer any amount of QTUM to the Receiving Address, then the Sender Address will be added. More info can be found(https://medium.com/medibloc/ann-qtum-core-wallets-receiving-address-ec57d7ca5708)

7. Can I use MyEtherWallet to participate? Do I have to make a separate Qtum wallet?

A. MediBloc is a token based on QRC. Therefore you must have a Qtum Core Wallet to receive MEDs.

8. I sent QTUM but was refunded. What happened?

A. Two Reasons
1) Didn’t qualify for 1st Pre Sale (min: 3,000 Qtum) 2) Insufficient Gas Limit. Not the right price. Gas Limit should be minimum 1,100,000 to safely transfer QTUM.

9. I entered the wrong QTUM address. Can I edit?

A. No. There is no way to edit your Qtum address. Please create a new account and resubmit.

10. Why can’t I use a mobile wallet?

A. Smart Contract does not support the Send To function on mobile. Please use desktop version of Qtum Core Wallet.

11. What does it mean to set min 1,100,000 gas limit?

A. Gas limit indicates the Maximum allowed gas. This does not mean that all 1.1mil will be used up, but the maximum it can use. The transaction fee will be applied at a later time.

12. I have multiple Qtum address that can receive transaction. Which one do I use?

A. Use the one that has at least one transaction. If you’re creating a wallet for the first time, please enter the exchange for your personal wallet.

13. “Mined” message shows on my wallet. Does this mean that transaction is completed?

A. Yes. Once the mining has been done, your transaction has completed.

14. I created a Receiving Address and now I can’t see the Sender Address on the Qtum wallet.

A. You can try matching “Sender Address” with “Receiving Address”. Please check your private “Sender Address” first!

15. I checked back on the Dashboard and “Submission Confirm” is not checked. Has my transaction been successfully completed?

A. You may contribute even though “Submission Confirm” is not checked. “Submission Confirm” and “Verification Confirm” will be be checked on first-come-first-serve basis.

16. Can I connect my mobile wallet with the Qtum Core Wallet?

A. No. They cannot be synced. They are two different wallets.

17. In the Smart Contact, I was able to submit the "Send To", "Smart Contract Address" and "Sender" but I cannot enter the "Amount" section. What do I do?

A. Two reasons
1) You don’t have any Qtum in your Wallet 2) Your Qtum core wallet has not been updated to the latest version

18. I would like to check the dashboard. Where do I go?

A. You can go to MediBloc’s home page, log in and click “Contribute” to see the dashboard.

19. Once the wallet is encrypted, the Qtum wallet does not seem to work. What do I do?

A. Please check your Internet connection. Try restarting Qtum Wallet.

20. I cannot set the “Send To Contact” and “Amount”. What do I do?

A. This may happen when you don’t update the Qtum Core wallet to the latest version. What version do you have? The latest version is 0.14.8.

21. Where can I check the Qtum Core Wallet version?

A. It will be listed in the downloaded file. The latest version can be found here(https://github.com/qtumproject/qtum/releases).

22. I already sent more than 3000QTUM at the first PreSales, how can I send less than 3000QTUM with the same address?

A. MediBloc prepared Smart Contract for the participants who want to add more QTUM on 1st PreSale. Please contact info@medibloc.org or ask on LiveChat.

