[Inside MediBloc] “I am a developer at MediBloc.”

The introduction of members of MediBloc’s development team

6 min readFeb 21, 2018


MediBloc, which was selected by the Forbes’ magazine as one of the most promising blockchain startup in the field of medical technology in their article “10 South Korean Startups powering into 2018”, is a personal healthcare information platform based on blockchain technology and has a competent “invincible” development team that develops Medibloc alongside the co-founders who love programming.

The development team consists of programming experts with diverse backgrounds and outstanding capabilities. The team members implement blockchain technology to operate MediBloc based on the project proposal and design.

From now on, we will go over each of these talented members in the development team and hear about how and why they joined the team through an interview.

Currently, there are 7 members in the development team and the team is rapidly expanding. FIrstly, we interviewed the most recently joined member, MinKyu SSAM.

*All members of MediBloc call each other as “SSAM”(pronouced as “Sam” with strong S), which is the abbreviation of the teacher in Korean.

“SSAM! What made you give up your guaranteed life as one of the top big data specialists at Naver and turned to the developer at MediBloc, which is relatively an unstable StartUp?”

MinKyu SSAM originally joined MediBloc as an advisor. As an alumnus of the high school as well as college with co-founders, he often met and shared opinions about MediBloc project since the initial stage of Medibloc. From the beginning of 2018, he officially joined the development team.
After listening to the most frequent question above from the team members, he took some moments preparing and answered the question.

“After investing in Cryptocurrency, I got interested in the blockchain technology. Of course, there are many difficulties and limitations in the rapidly changing blockchain industry, but those who jumped into the blockchain industry are trying to get through it. I was eager to experience it firsthand rather than wondering how they would overcome all the problems and limitations.”

Additionally, he said,

“It is much more interesting to try new technology because it is like pioneering the unimagined world.”

“Don’t you feel pressured as a developer?”

“Of course, there is a lot of pressure, but I actually like it. I think that adapting myself to a changed environment is a process of growth because it involves learning new things.”

With his great experience from Naver and initial involvements as an advisor, we are looking forward to MinKyu SSAM’s footsteps in the MediBloc.

“Dr.Kim, how do you know how to program even though you majored in mechanical engineering?”


“Mechanical engineering does not mean ‘machine only’ and ‘no programming’! “

Dr.Kim, graduated from KAIST with a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering is one of the developers in MediBloc . After finishing his Ph.D., he worked for LG Electronics about a year at a department developing manufacturing process equipment .

Also, he has an experience in web development, deep learning, autonomous vehicle, etc., through running his own startup for a year.

“Then, what made you to join MediBloc?”

“At the time, I was looking for a business that could actively use the blockchain technology, and MediBloc caught this point well. So, I joined the MediBloc team as I was convinced that developing blockchain platform in this team will be a very meaningful experience.”

“I heard that you are the youngest in the development team!”

The youngest in the team, Kwangho has a very unique set of experiences. While he was a mechanical engineering student at Seoul National University, one of the top universities in Korea, he started his own business for three times. After graduating, he has decided to join MediBloc’s development team.

“Like many other people, I started investing in Bitcoin in June, 2017. Then I looked into the blockchain technology, and thought that it would be very interesting if it could be applied to the real life applications.”

Kwangho has lots of curiosity on everything, so he always suggests a variety of new ideas. He learns fast, is passionate, and has great ambitions.

“At MediBloc, I would like to keep learning new ideas and skills while utilizing the current skill sets I have and become a big pillar in developing the MediBloc platform. Ultimately, I would like to be the developer that the team could trust and lean on and become the developer that could lead the team. Well, I still have a lot to cover..(smile)”

“SSAM! How did you know about MediBloc?”

“I searched for it myself. At the beginning of last December, I looked at the job announcements on MediBloc website and asked via email about an open position.”

SungJae, who is in charge of both development and research, has learned about MediBloc while searching for a career that could use both his undergraduate degree in computer engineering and master’s degree in medical information .

“What is MediBloc’s charming point?”

“With various members from different backgrounds and personalities, I can feel that I am growing since the diversity makes me learn what I lack from others and share what I know ot others. I believe I will grow with MediBloc because I believe, at MediBloc, one is able to achieve numerous things if one is willing to do so.”

“What do you like the most about MediBloc?”

“I wanted to work in an organization that could make me feel free, create culture together, and feel responsible as much as I contribute. In this sense, MediBloc is the one that I dreamed of.”

Saehan prefers the way that no one else is going. When he first saw the blockchain technology, he was attracted to this technology, which was significantly less known than AI. Given that working at MediBloc meant working from scratch, it did not take Saehan too long in making a decision to join MediBloc as the initial member of the development team.

“I would like to become a leader with a technical insight. I would like to be a leader who understands and touches the members’ mind and give a direction to team members.”

“What kind of people would you like to work with in the development team?”

“As MediBloc team is expanding, we are constantly recruiting developers as well but we do it very carefully. Technical capability is one thing but since we share each one’s knowledge through communication, we see how the applicant expresses and delivers his or her thoughts in his or her words with what kind of attitudes.

“I am 100% satisfied with the current members. The members give me inspiration and help me push myself further. ”

Thank you all five member for their time in interviewing while busy developing. We will keep updating the news on development team on our official blog. So please look forward to it! Thank you.

If you want to work with these people, please click the link below!


👉🏻MediBloc Official Website: https://medibloc.org
👉🏻MediBloc Official Telegram (ENG): https://t.me/medibloc

MediBloc is a team of medical professionals, data architects and blockchain technologists. Both founders are computer scientists turned to medicine, turned entrepreneurs. MediBloc addresses the problems entrenched in PHR market and aims to give back the control of personal health info to the patients themselves using blockchain technology.

