Top 6 Ways to Healthy Hair

3 min readOct 8, 2021


Dr. Anusha Golla, MBBS, DDVL, MD(DVL), Dermatologist who believes that your hair deserves the best care!

Summary: Modern lifestyle and environmental factors are contributing to multiple health issues including hair fall and hair loss. This is a quick and valuable advice from the doctor’s table to help you start with your journey to healthy hair. It elaborates on crucial lifestyles and dietary changes for better hair health.

Most of your selfie is your hair and we can’t agree more.

There is no denying the fact that your hair is your crowning glory. For the world and you, it may be a symbol of beauty and aesthetic charm but for medical professionals it is a representation of your health. It goes beyond shampoos, oils and hair serums and speaks about underlying metabolism. Poor hair health is an indication of nutritional deficiencies, hormonal health and stress. Here are some crucial keys to lifestyle and diet changes that can help you with healthier hair. They can be handy and used along with your consultation with a dermatologist.

1. Get your Ferritin Levels Checked

It is surprising to know that many of us may get our Hemoglobin levels checked and are happy if it falls well within the healthy range. Serum ferritin is an indicator of the iron reserves in our body and is a strong driver for hair health. For optimal hair growth we must target ferritin levels of 50 and above. The best dermatologist should be able to address this issue by prescribing iron supplements. With increase in ferritin levels, you should be able to see noticeable changes in your hair health.

2. Keep a Check on Scalp Health

Your scalp is the base where your hair roots grow and survive. Excess sebum production, dirt, dandruff or oily scalp can induce hair fall in some people. Using a medicated shampoo 2–3 times a week can help you manage your scalp. Consult a dermatologist doctor for customized advice. You can get your scalp evaluated by a medical professional to understand the underlying cause and plan a solution accordingly.

3. Dietary Changes

Modern lifestyle has shifted our food habits. Processed food, refined flour, sugary stuff, calorie-dense and nutrient-poor meals are largely to be blamed for nutritional deficiencies. While biotin remains the crux of all articles on hair health, we recommend a balanced approach that incorporates all vitamins, minerals and protein. Top hair foods recommended by best dermatologist are eggs, fish, nuts, milk, green leafy vegetables, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds and coconut oil. Planning your meals around these foods along with servings of fruits and vegetables can be healthy not just for your hair but your entire body. A good diet for healthy hair is balanced approach towards proteins, fats and nutrition.

4. Start Moving

Exercising in any form with consistency can have amazing outcomes for you. Be it yoga, jogging, Pilates, Zumba or weight training; all forms of physical activity will be beneficial for healthy hair. You can plan to exercise for around 2–3 hours a week and see positive changes in your hair and skin. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help you in having sustainable and long-term benefits.

5. Hormonal Balance

For people with problems of hair loss, receding hairline and hair thinning; you need to get your hormones tested. Once your doctor gets the results, he/she may have to prescribe medications. Hormonal imbalance is one of the leading factors for hair loss in men and women. Although genetics play a vital role in alopecia, balancing hormones can give you some good results.

6. The Power of Good Sleep

You may consult the best dermatologist online or in the clinic. One of the best pieces of advice you will get is to have a minimum of 8 hours of sleep. Sleep rejuvenates your system and reduces stress. Planning your routine and having sound sleep can boost energy levels and total health.

- Dr. Anusha Golla,- MBBS, DDVL, MD(DVL).

She helps people with issues like hair fall, hair thinning, androgenetic alopecia, receding hairline and alopecia areata.

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