4 min readJul 1, 2018


Price is what you pay. Value is what you get. (Warren Buffett)

Development, man, society, humanity, nature, the world — a big step has been made from the beginning to the present time. So far, we have more or less invested time, knowledge and effort into the material welfare and now we are slowly returning to ourselves. Now for us are increasingly important values that cannot be bought but which need to be cultivated within ourselves — and one of them is also health which is a prerequisite for our well-being.

The technologies that we are developing now and those that are going to be developed will lead us to the more meaningful life. And that is exactly what was deprived to us or what we allowed to be taken from us during the industrialization process.

Time is more value than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time. (Jim Rohn)

One of the technologies that will and is already greatly changing humanity is the block-chain technology. It is restoring us confidence, security, privacy, time. Of course, at present, we are all still slightly skeptical. But that’s the case with all the novelties that happen. We are careful, we look from afar, then we check it slowly and in the end we allow them to become part of our everyday life. Do you remember the first mobile phones? And the Internet? Try to turn back to today’s time after five years and you will see- you would not believe what kind of fears we had about block-chain technology, robotics, etc.

For changes to be of any true value, they’ve got to be lasting and consistent. (Tony Robbins)

Blockchain technology is still young. At the beginning. What else it will bring us yet, we cannot know today. But we can certainly say that it is a new source of truth and security that human society needs more than anything else.

When it comes to the topic of HEALTH, we must be aware that it is one of the most intimate things of our society. We will be happy to tell everyone in what good health we are, but it will be always a problem to say that something is wrong with our health and our well-being. And that is just “the tip of the iceberg”. If we add to our perception also the megalomaniac systems that manage both with our health and with all our sensitive personal data, we cannot see the end of fear, insecurity, and exposure. But here we can see the beginning, the beginning of a new language in healthcare — and it has been called Medicohealth.

There are many things that we want to facilitate and improve with our project. We are starting slowly, carefully and accurately. We, however, already know that we are creating a great added value for the company. The consequences of all the steps that we have taken and that we will continue to take, are the following:
• returning health to the hands of the individual,
• creating the society of trust, security and dignity,
• connecting expertise and experiences for a social good.

But meanwhile time flies; it flies never to be regained. (Virgil)

The more responsibility the individual has, the more he feels valuable and strong. And this is exactly what will be the long-term consequence of our project. Health and personal health information are a very sensitive and personal issue. The platform which has been already working in beta version and is in the process of testing and improving, provides completely safe and anonymous access to basic medical advice and guidance. It will no longer be necessary to wait for hours and hours in the medical waiting room where we always meet those who we do not want to. Likewise, when we are away from home, we will always be able to contact our personal doctor for advice and an eventual recommendation or even for a prior consultation of our personal doctor with the doctor at the location where we need help. A strong personal relationship improves the quality and consequently, the speed of recovery. In our case, however, with all together the costs will be reduced. We will thus restore dignity, option of privacy and complete security. The trust of the society in various systems and entities, as in our case in the health system and in doctors, will slowly improve.

However, since we did not pay attention only to the relationship and communication of the patient — doctor, but also of the doctor — doctor, we are creating the first platform for the free flow of the expertise and experience for the purpose of faster and simpler healing process of the treated person. Once our platform reaches the wide area, we will also be able to study the health of particular area / country or culture and thus draw a health map. The Medicohealth platform will not only accelerate and connect all more closely together, but as already said, it will very much optimize the costs of the whole health system, allow this money to be spent on research and development and at the same time give more time to the society which consequently means more freedom.

Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live. (Jim Rohn)



Medicohealth is a health portal with the objective to support patients in their search for the right doctor for their health concerns.