Medium Login FAQ

3 min readJun 18, 2014



Q: How do I create a Medium account?
There are 4 ways.

  • With your email. Enter your email address during sign up. We’ll email you a link for verification. Click the link and you’re ready to go. We DO NOT use passwords for email login, but rather send you an email every time you log in.
  • With Twitter. Make sure you’re signed in to your account at Then choose to sign up for Medium with Twitter. Medium will automatically import any of your Twitter followers and followees who are also on Medium. We’ll never post to your Twitter account without your permission.
  • With Facebook. Make sure you’re signed in to your account at Then choose to sign up for Medium with Facebook. Medium will automatically import your friends who also have Medium accounts, and you’ll follow them and they’ll follow you. We’ll never post to your Facebook account without your permission. We CAN NOT connect with Facebook pages, but just personal accounts.
  • With Google Sign-in. Make sure you are signed in to your Google account. Then choose to sign up for Medium with Google. Google Sign-in is just for authentication. We don’t import any connections from Google. We’ll never post anything to a Google service without your permission.

Q: Will you ever post to Twitter, Facebook, or Google without my permission?
A: No, never.

Q: Will new connections I make on Twitter or Facebook be reflected on my Medium account?
No, the importing of followers is a one-time action, and will not update.

Q: If I’ve already created a Medium account by signing up with email, Twitter, Facebook, or Google, what will happen if I try to sign in with another?
A: If your email addresses are different on those networks, this will create a new Medium account that won’t be linked to your previous account. That’s bad.

Q: If I use the same email address on Twitter, Facebook, and Google, will you connect my Medium account to those networks?
A: Yes. If your email address is verified with all those systems, you can log in with any of them, and we will automatically connect them to your account.

For example: You create your Medium account using your email. The next time you log in, you log in with Facebook. If the email you use on Facebook is the same as the email you use on Medium and is verified on Facebook, we’ll automatically log you in to Medium. This will connect your Medium account to your Facebook log in and we will import your friends to your Medium account. This also works for Twitter and Google.

Q: If I signed up with Facebook, can I later link my Twitter account, and vice-versa?
A: Yes. Go to your settings page to connect any remaining networks. After you connect, we’ll import your connections from that social network.

Q: If I signed up with Facebook or Twitter, can I later disconnect the link between that account and my Medium account?
A: Yes. You can disconnect all other social networks from your settings page. The Medium follow lists generated from previously connected social accounts will remain, and you can log in with email from then forward.

