Storytelling for Good

Medium’s first non-profit storytelling grant, enabling you to craft and share your stories in the world

3 min readMar 19, 2014

[Update: This contest ran in March 2014 and is now closed, but we wrote a primer for non-profits, as well as advice on how to get your posts read, which should help your organization started on medium!]

Your days are filled with small miracles, which aren’t miracles at all — because you made them happen. Your work is positively impacting the lives of people who need it most.

And there are stories behind everything you do, and everyone you touch.

So, how are you sharing these stories in the world?

On your website? Newsletters? Text emails? It’s more difficult than ever to get the attention — and dollars — of donors. You’re competing not only with other organizations, but with the likes of AMC and Amazon. The fragmentation of traditional media and the rise of social media have made effective communication a sophisticated science. The staples of fundraising — direct mail and rubber chicken dinners — are on the decline. On top of it all, your resources are stretched beyond reason.

You continue focusing on the work, because the work is what’s most important. Capturing and telling stories gets knocked down the list.

At Medium, our work is to give everyone a place to tell their story. We believe that the sharing of ideas and experiences is what moves humanity forward.

We’ve been thinking a lot lately about how to help people doing good in the world tell great stories. To us, Medium seems like a natural fit. You have beautiful, moving, untold stories. We have a platform to give them life, and a unique way to connect with people.

Scott Harrison of Charity:Water on Medium

We want to help you do that.

Tell us what story you’d like told, and we’ll hire top-notch writers, photographers, and illustrators to help bring them to life on Medium.

How to apply

Write a short pitch for a story related to your organization. It doesn’t need to be comprehensive, we just need the general idea.

It could be anything from an account of how your organization helped a family avoid eviction, to a collection of stories written by kids that you tutored, to an in-depth look at the clean water crisis you’re trying to solve. Tell us about the story you think needs to be shared.

The details

  • Make sure you include what your organization does. Tell us what you’re passionate about and what your goal is in having your story told.
  • Pitches should be 2-3 paragraphs at most.
  • We’re not strict about 501(c)(3) status—all do gooders welcome to apply.
  • Send your submission to by April 30.

What happens next

We’ll pick up to ten submissions and match the winning pitches with storytellers. Our hand-picked authors, illustrators, and photographers will help bring your story to life on Medium, and present it in a truly stunning fashion. If you haven’t seen what is possible, take a look at our Beautiful Stories collection.

We will promote and feature the winners in a special collection. Your story, and the work of your non-profit, will be promoted to Medium’s readers. And through Twitter, Facebook, and other networks, spread the word around the world.

Please submit your story idea before April 30. We will pick up to 10 winners and announce them on May 30.

You want to change the world. We want to tell people about it. Let’s do it together.


