Medium for Teams

Apr 18, 2023

14 stories

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How to Lead Well as a New Manager

" You are not here to solve every problem, tell others what to do, or do it yourself, especially not in the first month." -Mona, Project Manager
"Depending on what got you to this point, different things may be easy or hard for you in your first three months." -Julie Zhuo, Author, former Product Design VP at Facebook
"I realized that I had to reframe my thinking and tune in to their channel — the one that plays songs about insurance, paydays, and PTO instead of tunes about revenue, P&L, and metrics." -Bobby Powers, Senior Director of Employee Experience.
"Should I grab beers after work with team members? Should I participate in non-work-related conversations I overhear on the team? How could I maintain and develop my friendships without showing favoritism?" -Bobby Powers, Senior Director of Employee Experience.
"When we shield [our team] from the hard stuff, we strip them from opportunities to problem-solve, manage stakeholders, own design decisions… and ultimately grow."
"In his seminal work on motivation, Edward Deci found in his 20 years of research that when pressure was exerted on a person to accomplish a task, performance worsens, quality of outcomes worsens, the person learns less, and the person ends up not enjoying the task as much." -Claire Lew, CEO of Know Your Team
"Coaching flips this advice model on its head. Approaching problems from a coaching mindset means believing that the other person holds the solution — not us." -Bobby Powers, Senior Director of Employee Experience.
"It’s really easy to want to talk to people about your under-performing team member. It may even be under the guise of getting support or learning more." -Jasmine Friedl, Senior Design Director at Dropbox
"Instead of cooking up stories in your mind, leave all judgments and opinions aside. Set up a meeting and talk to them." -Vinita, Author
"At one point when I was at Google, I spent 25% of my time hiring people. What follows are descriptions of the key things I’ve seen work (and not work) at Google, Apple, and elsewhere." Kim Scott, Author, Co-Founder of Radical Candor, Inc.
"There is this idea that we can somehow maintain a state of equilibrium in which we equally prioritize the demands of our career and the demands of our personal life. But is this truly a viable concept?"
"I had never had a work enemy before... I was entirely clueless as to how to handle this situation. I wasn’t used to political infighting or using verbal ammunition against anyone." -Bobby Powers, Senior Director of Employee Experience.
"Situations are rarely as urgent as people make them out to be. And few situations justify rushing to make a poor decision when a little consideration would result in a better one." -Jake Wilder, Writer

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