Medium Staff

Feb 15, 2023

15 stories

18 saves

Staff Picks: Valentine's Day

As Carlyn Beccia explains, Valentine's Day may have originated with a criminal priest who officiated forbidden weddings in ancient Rome.
A food scientist explains how a pharmacist accidentally became a candy maker.
“In the last years of the 19th Century, the US Post Office once rejected 25,000 Valentine’s Day Cards because they were too indecent.” —Ben Kageyama
"Another version of the legend suggests that Claudius had forbidden military men to marry. Saint Valentine was marrying couples against the emperor’s orders. Marriage would spare them from going to war. When the emperor found out about the activities of Valentine, he had him beheaded.” —Prateek Dasgupta, M.S.
OkCupid's team analyzed nearly 10 billion responses to in-app matching questions— revealing new insights into how people date today.
A comprehensive guide to the origins of modern Valentine's Day traditions, and how the holiday evolved from a Catholic saint's day into a billion-dollar industry.
"Despite all the art and literature centering heartbreak, we don’t actually take it seriously," writes Adeline Dimond in this honest essay about a very, very bad breakup.
“Science reveals that love is not just a human emotion, but a biological need in the brain. (And yes, it can make you feel high.)”
A tutorial that shows you how to use the three.js library to define and modify a custom 3D model (of a heart) and render it in a browser.
"Western society has bought into some really dumb ideas as to what marriage is," writes mental health specialist Ben Sledge. Here's his hard-earned wisdom for building relationships that last.

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Web developer Hani Lim delivers a delightful and informative guide to HTTP codes—from 404 to 500—through the lens of dating.
The first in a four-part meditation on the meaning of love from bestselling author Carvell Wallace.
This popular essay from Medium's archive, written by an essayist who's been in both polyamorous and monogamous relationships, explains how different personality types express their affection in different ways.
"Listen beyond the words," advises Alex Mathers in this popular guide to cultivating closeness with others.

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