This is your year.

Make 2015 the year you get started writing.

has created 10 photos to use in your story, accompanied with a writing prompt to launch your year of a writing habit.

Your Writing Prompt: What objects or routines prepare you for the day?

Where are you at your best? What are you looking at, touching, and using when inspiration strikes? Share your secrets with us, and we’ll all start a new year of writing together.

Hit the button at the bottom of the page that says “Write your response”, and tell us your story


(image pack from )

A note from @deathtostock

When were approached by Medium to create this photo pack and prompt, David, an couldn’t wait to share to help other people get started blogging.

“I know from personal experience it’s really difficult to get started with the habit of writing, but the rewards for doing so and being a part of that community have been incredible.” — David @deathtostock

To untamed creativity, and everything that’s to come in the year ahead.

- Allie + David

Be sure to share your story on all your various social medias, emails, via skywriter or sandwich board, and so on.

(And remember it is always great to leave another author notes. You don’t have to write alone!)

Congratulations to our contest winner with his response “.”

