When One Door Closes…

Tony Rouse
2 min readNov 11, 2015


Rejection… Who is really a fan of it?!? Not only does it sting in the moment, but for some strange reason it makes you evaluate your entire existence in life. From a job perspective you may have heard, “Oh, You’re Overqualified…” or “Sorry, You’re Underqualified…” and then in some instances you hear nothing at all and then are relegated to the black pit of nothingness and blank space that we refer to the internet or specifically… Taleo. But cheer up, so many times what we think is perfect may indeed be perfect for someone else. I can’t tell you the amount of projects and jobs I’ve submitted for that I have gotten the feedback of what I didn’t want to hear, especially when I thought “This is perfect for me!” In reality the only true perfect thing for any of us is when we take our unique giftings and abilities and amplify them in the workplace and in everyday life.

I love the stories of great people who took their uniqueness and amplified them like Marci Shimoff who is the author of “Happy For No Reason”. Marci was always “happy” and she turned that into a very profitable business of sharing her joy with the world. She became a New York Times best-selling author from something she innately did. You too can be beacon of hope for people in whatever industry and engagement.

I’ll be honest… it took me some time to realize this, but its similar to our discussion on ‘The Complexity of No’. What you think may be perfect for you at the time, may in reality be an ill-fitted format for your brand of operation. When one door closes, find the next one and kick it open or use just your key. Knocking is great when you want to be polite, but it doesn’t make sense to knock on a door to a house that already belongs to you.

Tell Me About Your Moments of Rejection…


Tony Rouse is a Creative Consultant and Brand Strategist known as The Curator of High-End Experiences. He has completed projects for over 25 Fortune 500 companies utilizing his signature style of Fully Integrated Lifestyle Marketing (F.I.L.M.). His brand platform is spread to the world via his weekly LinkedIn article known as Takeover Tuesday and he is an award-winning trainer, communications coach and public speaker. For more information, please visit www.MeetTonyRouse.com.



Tony Rouse

Brand Strategy Specialist | The Curator of High-End Experiences | www.MeetTonyRouse.com