Let me introduce you to Brene Brown

Meg Bolger
4 min readFeb 20, 2017


Brene Brown has, quite simply, changed my life. She spoke truth that gave me the courage to break up with someone when that is what needed to happen. She reshaped (and continues to clarify) my understanding of how to transform our world and do social justice work. She taught me what boundaries are and why they are important. Her work has transformed my relationships, my work, and my life.

And I run into folks all the time who have (no judgement) never heard of her.

Well humans of the internet. As I have with so many others before you, let me introduce you to the wonderful Dr. Brene Brown.


This TED talk is what launched Brene into my life and my heart. It’s about the power and importance of vulnerability. It also happens to be one of the top 5 most watched TED talks of all time. And for good reason. Brene is not only a hilarious story teller she also speaks THE TRUTH.

“In order for connection to happen we have to allow ourselves to be seen, really seen.”

Also I’m convinced that if listened to this TED talk every morning, I’d be a better person.


Until Brene Brown did not know what boundaries were, how to set them, or why they were so important. This explains a lot things about my early 20s. And then I watched this video. I finally was able to identify what I was struggling with and put my finger on what made it all so confusing and hard.

If you want to learn about what it means to be less kind and more loving. Why it’s important to know what’s okay and what’s not okay and to communicate it to others, press play. Here is a preview,

“Compassion is a deeply held belief that we are inextricably connected to each other by something rooted in love and goodness.

Empathy is a skill set to bring compassion alive. Empathy is something we can teach… it is about how to communicate that deep love for people so that they know they aren’t alone.”

Empathy & Blame

These are two short clips from Brene turned into beautiful small animations. These get right to the point and they are really good points.

“ How many of you when something goes wrong you want to know who’s fault it is? Blame has an inverse relationship to accountability.”

Pshhhhhhh…alright, continue.

“In order to connect with you, I have to connect with something in myself that knows that feeling.”

This is difference between empathy and sympathy. Well. That makes things simpler, and way more hard at the same time. #thanksbrene

Audio to know Brene & her ideas

I love listening to people that I look up to, admire their work, think are profound and interesting talk. I will look up interviews they did, speaches they gave because I find sometimes listening to people share their ideas out loud can often hit a different chord with me, resonate in a new and different way. Here are some of my favorites.

Chase Jarvis [podcast|youtube] This is a long form interview with Brene which is totally worth it. So good that the first time (yes the first time) I listened to it I turned it off every 15 minutes to marinade in the wisdom and then resumed the next day.

Lewis Howes [podcast|youtube] In this interview Brene gets explicitly social justice (which I loved). She talks about Braving the Wilderness (where she also gets explicitly social justice), where real suffering and disconnection comes from, and much much more.

Tim Ferriss [podcast|youtube] I generally like Tim Ferriss’s stuff, which would explain why I’ve listened to 200+ of his interviews (other favs include Tara Brach & Amanda F*cking Palmer) Like many of his other podcasts you get to know Brene more personally than on other interviews.

Elizabeth Gilbert [podcast] I love Elizabeth Gilbert’s book Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear. She and Brene have a lot to talk about when it comes to being creatives around navigating vulnerability, shame, and more. It’s also much shorter than the rest of the ones above if that appeals.

Digging in: The Books

Brene is also a best selling author and her books are part of what changed my life/work.

My actual books.

Daring Greatly is my answer to the question, “What book do you gift most to others?” If you are hanging out with me, don’t own this book, and I have $15 to spare, I’m buying it for you. Daring greatly is about the role of vulnerability in our lives and what it means to be whole hearted people trying to live to our fullest.

After Daring Greatly there is Rising Strong. A beautiful and powerful book for anyone who has ever dared, been vulnerable, and needed some help getting back up (soooo… everyone).

Brene’s newest book is Braving the Wilderness: Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone. Even more than that to me it is about how to live in our integrity and relate to each other in an increasingly divided and factioned world. She gets explicitly social justice and I love any moment of it. I’ll drop whatever I’m doing to talk to you about this book. Lemmeknow.

Alriiiighty! That’s more than enough to get you started. Scroll back up and check out that TED talk or the short videos and then see what inspires you. If you want to check out her work more directly — brenebrown.com

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Meg Bolger

Facilitator. Educator. Creator. Working for a more beautiful & just world. https://bento.me/megbolger