People Are Deleting their NaNoWriMo Accounts Because of it

NaNoWriMo Logo

First, What is NaNoWriMo? It is a nonprofit organization presiding over an initiative called “national novel writing month” or NaNoWriMo for short. Over the past 20 years the initiative has grown immensely. Interest from teenagers sparked the beginnings of the Youth Writers Program.

News broke on Twitter roughly one week ago of the child exploitation of teenagers by a NaNoWriMo back-end developer and forum moderator. Twitter user @ArumiKai states on the Twitter thread linked above that minors using the site to write Novels were being funneled into a fetish site. When they and other NaNoWriMo participants asked the organization to investigate the claims, nothing happened. Then, the fetish site was suddenly scrubbed.

Twitter user @Arumi_kai stated:

Remember how the quirky “write a book in 30 days” #NaNoWriMo program allegedly ignored reports of minors possibly being funneled to a ADBL fetish site from their forum & allegedly didn’t investigate even tho it allegedly involved one of their mods?



Meg Dixon

Librarian & content creator. I write about literature, books, curiosities, food, libraries, and family life. Freelance writer and content creator since 2008.