How to Charge iPhones When They Are Turned Off

Suraj Padmasali
2 min readJan 24, 2017


There are plenty of myths around iPhones which remained myth because there was no proper clarification given by Apple. One of those myths is that one cannot charge his iPhone when it is off. At one end we always look at the battery’s health and on the other we look for the socket just in case we need to charge and between these two ends if we are surrounded by such myths then only the god can save us.

To clear the myth we would like to confirm that it is only when the battery is totally drained and when you plug in your iPhone with charger or even you check out how to Charge iPhone 7 and 7 Plus Wirelessly, then you will see the Apple logo appears and phone starts. At this point, you see that the charging is going slower as a phone too is using the battery which is getting juiced up. For this very reason, the myth might have started to make rounds, as per our conclusion.

But, to dismantle this myth completely that iPhone can’t be charged when it is off we have found a specific process by following it you will be assured that you can charge your iPhone even when it is turned off.

Charge your iPhones even When They Are Turned Off

Step #1: Follow this path first — Go to Settings → Battery Turn the Battery Percentage toggle to ON

Step #2: Now make a note of your current battery status; let’s assume it is 75%.

Step #3: Plug in your iPhone to a charger in SWITCHED ON mode and start charging. You will see the battery color will change from white to green.

Step #4: Now switch off your iPhone. Do not stop charging.

Step #5: Find some activity for at least 5 minutes. Have some tea or coffee or anything which can occupy you for that period of time.

Step #6: Once the prescribed time has been elapsed turn on your iPhone.

Step #7: Now compare the current battery status with the one you have noted in Step #2 and you will see an increase of at least 5 to 6 percent of battery life.


So, the above guide proves that it is a myth that the iPhones don’t get charged when they are switch-off. So feel happy and use your iPhone without getting tensed at all. Has this guidance helped you to clear the myth? Tell us here in the comments section.

