Stablecoin Education: Liquid Staking & Unlocking Flexibility in Crypto Investments

3 min readApr 2, 2024

Liquid staking is emerging as a pivotal innovation in the realm of blockchain and cryptocurrency, representing a significant evolution from traditional staking practices. By addressing the liquidity issue inherent in conventional staking, liquid staking presents a dynamic approach that enhances the utility of digital assets. This article delves into the intricacies of liquid staking, examines its benefits and risks, and distinguishes it from related concepts like liquid staking derivatives.

Introduction to Liquid Staking

At its core, liquid staking allows users to stake digital assets on Proof of Stake (PoS) blockchains while retaining liquidity. On the Cardano Blockchain, it's truly liquid staking, no Liquid Staking Token is issued, and users are free to spend their assets in a wallet. Cardano’s approach to staking involves a mechanism called “delegated proof of stake” (dPoS), where ADA holders can delegate their tokens to stake pools, which then participate in the block production and validation process. Whereas some liquid stake LST issues an asset that represents a set of staked assets that allow you to use your assets even if staked which may be locked for a period of time.

The Significance of Liquid Staking

Liquid staking stands out for its ability to marry the benefits of staking with the flexibility of liquid assets. It enables participants to contribute to blockchain security and consensus mechanisms without locking away their capital. This adaptability is crucial for the broader adoption and growth of blockchain networks, as it encourages more extensive participation from users who may otherwise be deterred by the illiquidity of traditional staking.

The Benefits and Challenges of Liquid Staking


  1. Enhanced Utility: Users enjoy the dual benefits of earning staking rewards while using their assets in the wider DeFi ecosystem.
  2. Reduced Opportunity Cost: The liquidity provided allows users to capitalize on market opportunities
  3. Fosters Cryptocurrency Adoption: By allowing the liquidity to flow through the blockchain users can drive the development and adoption of new blockchain applications.


  1. Slashing Risk: Users may face risks if validators behave dishonestly or perform inadequately. ( Cardano does not slash Stake Pool Operators)
  2. Centralization Risks: A concentration of staked tokens in a single protocol could undermine the decentralized nature of blockchain networks.
  3. Regulatory Uncertainty: The rapidly evolving legal landscape around cryptocurrencies and DeFi platforms poses potential challenges.

Distinguishing Liquid Staking from Liquid Staking Derivatives

It’s crucial to differentiate between liquid staking and liquid staking derivatives. While both involve the tokenization of staked assets, derivatives carry additional risks such as counterparty risk, smart contract vulnerabilities, and the potential for de-pegging from the underlying asset. The community feedback emphasizes the importance of recognizing genuine liquid staking implementations, such as those found in Cardano, which do not rely on derivative structures.

Examples of Liquid Staking in Action

Blockchains like Cardano, Mina, and Tezos have adopted liquid staking, offering insights into its application and benefits:


Liquid staking represents a transformative approach in the blockchain space, offering a more flexible and engaging model for asset staking. By understanding its benefits, challenges, and distinguishing it from derivatives, investors and participants can make informed decisions in the evolving DeFi landscape. As this field continues to mature, the distinction between liquid staking and derivatives will become increasingly critical for ensuring transparency, security, and the integrity of blockchain ecosystems.




Mehen Stablecoin is a fiat-backed stablecoin building on the Cardano blockchain.