Martech For Enterprise Business Development

Mehul Agarwal
3 min readMar 1, 2019

Most likely, you’ve been hearing a lot of buzz about new “martech” (marketing technology) products that promise to transform your small business or enterprise. But how much of that is hype and how much of it is grounded in fact?

If you are simply thinking about martech in terms of new standalone software that can be installed, then you are likely to be disappointed. Software by itself won’t solve your problems. That’s why successful business owners think of martech in terms of a “stack” of products that work together and complement each other. You can think of this martech stack as the core of every single business development or sales initiative. That, of course, leads to the natural question: which martech products are effective enough to be included as part of your stack?

“Successful business owners think of martech in terms of a stack of products that work together and complement each other”

Email marketing

Most small businesses rely on email marketing as a key component of their overall sales and marketing strategy, so it only makes sense that this is an area where martech products can play a very important role. Email marketing solutions can help you create, launch and track new campaigns. Moreover, they can enable you to segment your lists of customers into different groups, so that you can message each of these groups separately.

Marketing automation

