Covert Narcissism 101: Document Everything

Melissa Kalt, MD
6 min readNov 27, 2021
Woman in a dust storm, Photo by Morgan Sessions on Unsplash

The single best tip for surviving covert narcissism is: DOCUMENT EVERYTHING.

A covert narcissist is a liar. They lie about many things, big and small. They gaslight and distort your reality. They have flying monkeys who not only believe their lies, but who spread them, who confront you, who are complicit in your abuse. Covert narcissists create a cloud of confusion and fog everywhere they go.

They are like a sandstorm that destabilizes you. You can’t see. You can’t breathe. They negatively impact your health.

Documenting everything is the single best thing you can do. It’s like the scarf you pull up over your face to keep the sand out of your eyes, nose, and mouth.

Document, document, document

Document your email: Create an email folder for every narcissist in your life and save every communication, regardless of how important it seems. The email may seem completely innocous.

  • You and your ex coordinating pick up times for one of your children
  • Your father mentioning his nice vacation with your ex
  • You and your ex discussing your child’s desire to play football

Trust me, you may want that email someday. Keep it in a folder as part of your documentation.



Melissa Kalt, MD

Leadership Catalyst/Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Specialist/ Solver of Unsolvable Problems/Master Healer/ Entrepreneur/ Author/ Speaker/ Mother of 5.