“All of Bannon’s guys were POTUS guys first, Bannon guys second,” Arthur Schwartz

Men In Dark Grey
4 min readSep 4, 2018


Who is Arthur Schwartz?

And why can he authoritatively tweet about who was with Trump?


It’s not entirely clear what Schwartz has done since leaving MWW, but he appears to have very strong Republican ties. According to his bio on Bloomberg’s website, Schwartz has previously advised Republicans at the state and federal level. He has regularly tweeted his support for Republicans, including Scaramucci, as well as his distaste for Democratic politics.

Schwartz is an Insider’s Insider.

Arthur Schwartz is friends with Steve Bannon and Milo Yiannopoulis.


Arthur says of Milo,


That’s a bit strange as Milo appeared with Nazi Brian Brathovd to send a video greeting to then Breitbart contributor, and Western Massachusetts GOP Board member, Kassy Dillon.

Also at that appearnace was Breitbart’s Mike Ma.

It is unknown if any other of Kassy Dillon’s Alabama friends, such as Lone Conservative co-founder Micah Messser went to Milo’s appearance.

Brian Brathovd at that time was a contributor at Lone Conservative. Kassy Dillo is the Founder of Lone Conservative.

Kassy Dillon With Milo Yiannopoulis

Brian Brathovd, who is better known online as @caerulus_rex is now Richard Spencer’s bodyguard and a Daily Stormer contributor. Brian is a proud to be a podcaster and semi famous.


Brian maintains an account on Gab under his @caerulus_rex identity that is a “pro” and “premium” member and lists Daily Stormer on his bio.


Jezebel says of Mr. Brathovd,

Brian Brathovd, a pink-faced white supremacist performing the role of Spencer’s security detail, peered at me quizzically while we waited for the guests to arrive. “So you’re a journalist — at Jezebel. Interesting,” he said, making a face that implied a different kind word.

“I’m like, semi-famous, not really,” he added proudly, when I asked him to repeat his name. “Known around the podcasting scene as ‘Caerulus Rex’.”

Mike Ma, who was a Breitbart tech writer, a personal employee of Milo’s (He’s “ADMIN” on Dangerous) and did a phtoshoot of Milo in Trump Tower belonged to a twitter DM group where women and LGBT were targeted for abuse.


The name of that DM group is “Queen Tila Fan Club.”

In that DM group (not complete list) were Mike Ma (top) Jamal Omar (3rd down) and Beardson Beardly (Bottom.)

Beardson has his very own Daily Stormer tag.

You may have heard of Beardson Beardly. He’s a white nationalist who was suspended by twitter for violent threats against Kassy Dillon.

The tweet:

The notification from Twitter.

So all of “Bannon’s guys” include Milo & Mike Ma who himself was suspended from Twitter for bullying yet another woman. Arianna Rowlands.


Arianna Rowlands invited Milo to speak at UC Irvine when she was President of the campus GOP.


Did Trump know his guys were hanging out with Nazis?

Did Trump know his guys were bullying women?


Ev Williams Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Vijaya Gadde delbius Twitter Public Policy Senator Dianne Feinstein Richard Burr




Men In Dark Grey

We straight don’t exist — no names and no fingerprints