Defect Log

Jun 15, 2024


Issue Title: Issues Creating a Track on Confluent

Description: Provide a brief description of the issue. Explain what you are trying to accomplish and the problem you are encountering.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. List the steps you followed to encounter the issue.
  2. Step 2
  3. Step 3

Include any specific commands or configurations used.

Expected Behavior: Describe what you expected to happen when following the steps.

Actual Behavior: Explain what happened. Include any error messages or unexpected outcomes.

Configuration Details:

  • Confluent Version: e.g., 6.2.0
  • Kafka Version: e.g., 2.7.0
  • Operating System: e.g., Ubuntu 20.04
  • Network Configuration: e.g., Cloud environment, local network setup, etc.
  • Permissions: e.g., User permissions, service account permissions, etc.

Error Messages / Logs: Include any relevant error messages or logs. This can help in diagnosing the issue.

Attachments: Attach any relevant files, such as configuration files, screenshots, or log files.

