Test Case Template

2 min readJun 15, 2024


Test Case Template

Test Case ID:
A unique identifier for the test case, e.g., TC001.

Test Case Title:
A brief description of the test case.

Test Case Description:
A detailed description of the test case, including the purpose and any relevant details.

List any conditions that must be met before the test case can be executed, such as system setup or specific data requirements.

Test Steps:
A step-by-step list of actions to be performed during the test.

  1. Step 1: Description of the first step.
  2. Step 2: Description of the second step.
  3. Step 3: Description of the third step.
  • Expected Result: Describe the expected outcome of the step.

Test Data:
Details of any data needed to execute the test case, such as user credentials or specific input values.

Expected Result:
A description of the expected result after all the test steps are executed.

Actual Result:
A description of the actual result after the test case is executed (to be filled out during testing).

Indicate whether the test case passed or failed based on the actual result.

Any additional comments or observations related to the test case.

Tested By:
The name of the tester who executed the test case.

Date of Execution:
The date when the test case was executed.

Links or references to any relevant screenshots, logs, or additional documents.

