Updated Meridian Roadmap

10 min readMay 31, 2018

Today marks the release of the updated Meridian Roadmap.

You are advised to study the map, and read the full descriptions provided below.

To summarise, the new map sheds light on our 12 Week roll out schedule beginning in July 2019 and ending in September 2019.

In this post, we have expanded upon the 5 checkpoints included in the map.

It will serve you well to read through each of the below sections thoroughly so as to gain adequate understanding and insight into the progression of the Meridian Project.

Meridian SHA256 Protocol

Release Date: July 2019

Those of you who have read our Whitepaper are familiar with the intended use of Meridian tokens.

More specifically, the most diligent of you are familiar with the distribution method that we will be applying via the Meridian Loans Platform.

As detailed in the official Meridian Whitepaper, we seek to build a Loan repayment database verified by the Meridian Blockchain.

The current iteration of our MDN tokens are ERC20 based — therefore there is currently no Meridian blockchain for us to modify in ways that will allow for a tailored means of data extraction that will enable us to populate a Loan repayment database.

A database such as the one mentioned above is crucial to the viability of the Meridian proposal.

In short, our goal is to create and populate a database of credit history for each user registered on our Platform.

Once valuable borrowers have been separated from high risk borrowers via proof of positive repayment history (good credit) — the stage becomes set to open the system up to third party lenders.

To achieve this — each completed, late and/or missed repayment must be logged into a database to build lending profiles for each user.

Therefore Meridian must have its own, unique, Blockchain which will be used extensively as the verification mechanism to validate these records.

As our database builds, users will gradually become separated into categories as a direct consequence of their repayment history.

This will have both positive and negative implications as far as future interest rates, repayment dates and collateral requirements go.

Lending profiles for each user will be formed in direct correlation with their use of the platform, frequency of loan requests, and ability to adhere to repayment terms.

This data will amalgamate into a Credit Rank for each user — based on their own behavioural patterns when using the platform.

With this being the case, the development of a unique Blockchain is essential.

As mentioned frequently, our project is not one for those who seek to engage solely in price speculation.

Over the course of the next year, we will be working to craft our Blockchain — using a portion of the funds that we managed to collect via ICO.

This is a task that requires enough diligence and attention to detail to ensure that we do not return to the drawing board once the final protocol has been released.

Full Rebrand

Release Date: July 2019

As some of you will be aware, the Digital Asset market is one that is constantly evolving.

Means and methods of attracting, acquiring and then retaining users are changing frequently.

With this being the case it is obvious that we will need to restructure our methods of Branding and Promotion in ways that will allow us to keep up with the changing landscape that surrounds us.

Initially, this was a process that we contracted out to external suppliers — however, it is now clear that there is an advantage to building an in house marketing and promotion team.

There will be less of a financial burden.

Additionally — we’ll be better able to apply quality control whilst simultaneously increasing the frequency of our marketing communications.

Upon our initial release, high quality marketing instead of high quantity was a feasible strategy.

However as the Digital Asset market continues to grow and evolve, it has become clear that a strategy of quantity must now be applied.

This is something that we are lending serious consideration to.

But, more importantly, we are looking into ways that we can be more effective in this area — whilst working within our overall budget.

However, you must be aware — we will not rush our roll out in order to appease price speculators.

This is something which must be handled diligently so as to ensure that we do not squander our budget on advertising methods that pull in lacklustre results.

So we will be taking our time and working towards crafting a small in house team that has the capabilities to carry out this task in a careful, correct and conscientious way.

Crafting the team is a task within itself, but then there is producing the actual marketing — which is separate task all together.

Whereas our previous approach could be likened more to the results a foot soldier would attain from attacking his opposition with a high calibre pistol — research has made it clear that it would be more beneficial if took the assault rifle approach.

There needs to be a constant and uncapped flow of marketing communication, which is difficult to coordinate when working with one company which handles copywriting, and another which handles design. Another that handles social media and yet another that manages display advertising.

The costs of this are astronomical — and when taking into consideration the fact that we are seeking to severely boost the rate at which we broadcast marketing communications, we’re sure that you can imagine why it is important for us to construct our own in house team.

We will be able to eliminate excessive spending and bring things reasonably within budget.

This is a task that we must get right, and therefore we will be deliberate in who we decide to work with and subsequently how we decide to distribute our marketing messages.

We have no interest or intention to haphazardly slap together marketing materials to appease those who want to rush to the exchanges.

This is a process that must be handled in a precise manner, and unlike those teams who have at their disposal millions of dollars to spend — we are working within a relatively limited budget and therefore have much less room for error.

Meridian Coin Swap

Release Date: August 2019

Once we have made the switch from ERC20 to SHA256 we will be conducting a Coin Swap.

All holders of MDN ERC20 will be given the opportunity to exchange their Tokens for new MDN SHA256 Coins.

This will coincide with the release of the Meridian Blockchain Explorer and Mining Pool.

You are all advised to keep a close eye once our Roll-out begins in July 2019.

You will be provided with full information relating to how to partake in the Coin Swap.

Additionally, you will be informed and made fully aware of the rules, terms and conditions that will govern the entire process.

There will be a time limit in force.

So if you haven’t already, then please subscribe to our mailing list so that we will be able to broadcast full notification to all of you prior to the swap taking place.

You can subscribe to our mailing list via the form that is in the footer of our main website: https://mymdn.io

Meridian Loans Platform

Release Date: August 2019

The centrepiece of the Meridian proposal is the Meridian Loans Platform (MLP)

Without it, MDN Coins will not have a dedicated source from which to derive value.

Additionally MLP is the honeypot that will attract the killer bees: the big exchanges.

Previously we attempted roll out onto the ForkDelta exchange.

We found that an exchange of such a small size requires the development team to take on the role of both the buyer and seller of their own asset — in order to generate market activity.

In plain terms the game that is being played in the smaller venues such as ForkDelta and its equivalents is one of pure price manipulation — conducted by development teams.

Simply put, we have found that in order to generate activity for a Digital Asset on smaller exchanges (and some large) — developers are employing numerous underhanded tactics.

The first and most obvious tactic is the false buy order.

This a tactic employed by developers in order to create the veneer of genuine interest.

It is somewhat effective as it provides social proof, which In turn encourages others to do the same thing.

Thus — false buy orders attract genuine buy orders, which attract genuine sells — from the development team.

An easy means for underhanded individuals to line their pockets.

But this isn’t all we found.

We took it even further and discovered another tactic — the wash trade.

This is when development teams take on the role of both the buyer and the seller of their own asset in order to take the price of their asset from the low point a, to the high point b.

The purpose of this is to engineer both a high 24hr % increase in the price of the asset, whilst at the same time boosting the 24hr volume for their asset.

All whilst buying and selling from themselves.

Again this attracts genuine buy orders, which allows for genuine sells — from the development team.

These tactics work very well for a team who is seeking only to line their pockets — however, manipulation does not lead to longevity.

Individuals who buy into assets such as described above can only ever lose, since manipulation is very deliberate and does not provide the opportunity for outsiders to profit.

Once traders realise this, wide scale abandonment ensues.

Longevity can only be attained from true market activity.

There is a whole society of individuals who condemn the traditional fiat currency system as a tool for the enrichment of the selected few.

However, those who ridicule the fiat currency system fail to acknowledge that this system has been in place since 1000 AD.

It works because there is true demand.

National Taxes are settled with fiat currencies. Natural resources are bought and sold using fiat currencies. Consumer goods are exchanged for fiat currencies. Human labour is exchanged for fiat currency.

This is genuine market activity.

Very different to an asset that is simply bought and sold by its own developer to create the ‘illusion’ of genuine activity.

In short, where genuine market activity exists — genuine demand exists. Thus, there exists the dynamic of Supply and Demand — which creates fluctuating prices thereby providing the opportunity for one to buy low and then sell high.

This is not possible where there is a lack of genuine market activity.

Therefore we see it as crucial that we are able to launch The Meridian Loans Platform.

Without this platform there can only be zero demand for Meridian Coins.

As such, MLP is at the CORE of our focus.

MLP is the CENTRE toward which we are directing the majority of our efforts.

MLP is CRUCIAL to the feasibility of the Meridian project.

With this being the case it is obvious that this is not a job where we can just slap together some lines of code in order to satisfy the description that is on the tin.

On the contrary, this is a grave task — with even more grave and long lasting implications.

Throughout this period our focus is on perfecting our Loans Applications procedure, creating solid Balance Management protocols and finally tailoring a unique Blockchain that will allow us to track and build a database that is populated with Loan Repayment data.

You are urged to read the Meridian Whitepaper so that you can be better aware of the ideals that underpin this project.

We will find ways to work around our budget, and more importantly — we will seek to have a full and complete BETA version of MLP ready for release by August 2019.

High Volume Exchange Placement

Release Date: September 2019

Once the above is achieved, Meridian will be a much more valuable asset.

Very little can be achieved via lip service, promises and unfulfilled intentions.

We feel that a lot more is accomplished via hard work, diligence and most importantly — action.

Over the course of the last several months we have had interaction with all of the major exchange platforms.

The main hurdle is overall listing prices that we have been quoted.

Just to paint a clearer picture for you, there was a particular instance where we were quoted a high six figure amount plus a significant portion of our own MDN holdings as a listing fee.

Which was quite peculiar as this had not been the norm up until that point to give up any percentage of your own asset to an exchange.

It did make us wonder, ‘what would this particular exchange operator be using our tokens for?’

As far as we’re aware all businesses are concerned with generating income — so is this what this particular operator of this particularly large exchange had in mind?

That isn’t for us to speculate, but common sense did lead our thoughts towards that direction.

However, the fact is that Meridian is not yet valuable enough for us to have any form of leverage in these negotiation proceedings.

In short, without any form of leverage — we can only expect to receive the worst deals imaginable from the larger exchange platforms.

That is the long and short of it.

Therefore our strategy is now forced to lean toward establishing value without being on an exchange platform.

This can only be achieved via the launch and successful roll out of MLP.

It is our belief that this will gain us much more favourable outcomes once we begin to re-approach the negotiation table.

We will be approaching our chosen exchange with an inbuilt consumer base, as opposed to making our approach with nothing other than a begging bowl in hand.

So this is crucial and we will see to accomplish listing on a considerably large and worthwhile exchange by September of 2019.

More Information

To learn more about how Meridian differs from the alternatives, you are invited to watch our three-minute Introduction film at https://goo.gl/ixAzTx

Learn more about Meridian at — https://myMDN.io

Check out the Meridian Explainer at — https://goo.gl/zFVtB7

Access Meridian Whitepaper at — https://goo.gl/jqE7Me

Follow Meridian on Twitter at — https://twitter.com/MeridianMDN

