Unveiling MerlinSwap X MerlinStarter Airdrop Activity

4 min readMar 19, 2024

The burgeoning landscape of Merlin Chain is poised to witness an awesome thrive with the synergistic collaboration between MerlinSwap, a revolutionary DEX platform, and MerlinStarter, a pioneering native launchpad dedicated to the Bitcoin Layer 2 ecosystem. This strategic partnership promises to unlock unprecedented possibilities for both platforms, empowering users and propelling the future of BTCLayer2.

MerlinSwap: An efficient DEX built to support Merlin

MerlinSwap transcends the conventional notion of a DEX by seamlessly integrating cutting-edge technology with an intuitive user interface. Built on the robust Merlin Chain, a Bitcoin Layer 2 protocol, MerlinSwap offers unparalleled efficiency, liquidity management, and user engagement. Here’s a glimpse into what sets MerlinSwap apart:

Revolutionary DL-AMM DEX: Leverages a state-of-the-art liquidity algorithm for rapid and efficient asset swaps, maximizing capital efficiency and optimizing yields.

Adaptive Liquidity Mining: Provides both static and dynamic liquidity mining options, enabling users to strategize across any price spectrum, minimizing unutilized liquidity.

CEX-Grade User Experience: Delivers an interface that mirrors the ease and familiarity of centralized exchanges, making the transition to DeFi effortless.

Advanced Product Features: Introduces groundbreaking features like limit orders, enhanced gas-efficiency and user experience comparable to CEX, empowering users with greater control and cost-effectiveness in their trading endeavors.

About $MP: Fueling the MerlinSwap Ecosystem

MerlinSwap’s tokenomics are meticulously designed to incentivize participation and drive long-term sustainability. The $MP token, as the native currency of MerlinSwap on the Merlin Chain, positions MerlinSwap as the foremost marketplace in the Bitcoin Layer 2 ecosystem.

Name: MerlinSwap Token

Ticker: MP

Chain: Merlin

Total Supply (Max): 21,000,000,000 MP

MP allocation:

Public Sale: 6%, ensures widespread distribution.

Community: 20%, rewards community for their support.

Trading Rewards: 24%, incentivizes trading activity through Trade-to-Earn.

Treasury & LP: 33%, supports long-term growth via MerlinSwap Treasury.

Genesis Liquidity: 9%, ample liquidity for smooth $MP swaps at launch.

Marketing: 2%, dedicated marketing efforts to expand the ecosystem.

Team: 6%, empowers the team for long-term success.

This token model can bootstrap the MerlinSwap ecosystem with well-aligned incentives for key stakeholders and traders.

Magic Begins: 0.2%=42 M $MP (Merlin Swap) Airdrop!

To celebrate this momentous partnership, MerlinSwap is allocating a generous 0.2% of its token supply, 42 Millions $MP tokens for an exclusive airdrop campaign, with a total of 5000 winners to be selected.

Please note: The airdrop will be distributed in the form of esMP tokens, rather than MP tokens directly. The esMP tokens can be credited back to your wallet immediately. For those looking to convert their esMP into MP tokens, a vesting option is available. By vesting your esMP, they will be linearly converted to MP tokens over a 30-day period at a 1:1 ratio.

Join here: https://merlinstarter.com/airdrop/merlinswap

Here’s how you can participate and potentially secure a share of the rewards:

  • Eligibility Criteria:

1. Hold or stake at least 0.01 BTC in your wallet (MerlinSeal value data + current BTC holdings) OR have 100 Voya tokens

2. Hold a minimum of 500 STAR points (From Merlin Starter Airdrop Activity)

  • Tasks to Complete:

1. Follow MerlinStarter on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Merlin_Starter

2. Follow MerlinSwap on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MerlinSwap

3. Join the MerlinStarter Telegram Group: https://t.me/MerlinStarterofficial

4. Join the MerlinSwap Discord: https://discord.gg/merlinswap

5. Post a tweet related to MerlinStarter & MerlinSwap

6. Click to copy the exclusive invitation link, invite more friends to participate and increase your chances of winning!

  • Important Notes:

1. Inviting users need to click and complete all the following tasks [tasks other than invitation] to be considered successful.

2. The more users you invite, the greater the probability of winning. Every time you successfully invite 10 people, you will get one more lottery weight.

3. The airdrop event duration is from March 19, 2024 to March 26, 2023.

  • Selection Process:

A random lottery will be conducted to select 5,000 winners from all eligible participants.

Please note: Priority will be given to users who have interacted with swap on Merlin Swap.


Congratulations! You have won a share of MerlinStarter X MerlinSwap Airdrop tokens!

To claim your tokens: Winners will be notified and instructed on how to claim their airdropped MerlinSwap tokens on the official MerlinSwap platform.

【Not a Winner】

We’re sorry to inform you that you didn’t win this time. Thank you for participating in the MerlinStarter X MerlinSwap Airdrop!

Don’t miss this golden opportunity to be a part of this revolutionary collaboration and potentially gain early access to MerlinSwap’s native token!


The strategic alliance between MerlinSwap and MerlinStarter marks a pivotal moment in the evolution of the Merlin ecosystem. By combining MerlinSwap’s cutting-edge DEX features with MerlinStarter’s expertise in native asset issuance and project incubation, this partnership unlocks a treasure trove of possibilities for users, projects, and the broader Merlin Chain landscape. As both platforms continue to evolve, we can expect to witness a new era of innovation, accessibility, and user-centricity within the realm of decentralized finance and BTC Layer2.

Join here: https://merlinstarter.com/airdrop/merlinswap




The 1st native launchpad on MerlinLayer2.The accelerator for all BTCLayer2 projects.