What does an AI Ethicist do? A Guide for the Why, the What and the How.

Merve Hickok
13 min readApr 27, 2020
Photo by Colton Sturgeon on Unsplash

AI has moved from having the “potential to impact lives across the world” to effecting thousands of lives every single day. We see algorithms in use in criminal justice, recruitment, news media, e-commerce, law enforcement, banking, welfare eligibility and military, just to name a few. There is now consensus among the researchers and practitioners that bias in these systems has the potential to deepen existing structural injustices, skew power balances further, threaten human rights, limit access to resources and information and shape free speech.

The above-mentioned risks are existential threats to democracy and society. So, there is no debate that ethical, responsible and transparent AI is necessary, but what more does it take for this to matter to businesses and to establish a dedicated role?

I am an ethical AI advocate and an AI ethicist. I am also an HR professional by trade. I get a lot of questions on what makes a good AI ethicist and what one needs for success. Reflecting on my current and past experiences, here is a guide to help both companies and future candidates consider what is necessary for success for this role and eventually the success of the company and products.

Last year, KPMG identified AI Ethicist role as “Top 5 AI hires companies need to succeed in



Merve Hickok

Founder of AIethicist.org; Research Director at Center for AI & Digital Policy; Data Science Ethics Lecturer at University of Michigan — School of Information