Google Translate Turns a Decade

The dapperman project
2 min readApr 30, 2016
Google translate turns ten 10

One of google’s top serves turned a decade old on Thursday. Google translate the company’s answer to the world’s translating needs. It was first started on April 28th, 2006.

“Our goal was to break language barriers and to make the world more accessible. Since then, we have grown from supporting two languages to 103 and from hundreds of users to hundreds of millions,” Barak Turovsky, product lead of Google Translate, posted on Google’s official blog.

Translate first started out with two languages then over the years it has manage to support 100 languages from around the globe. Google always strives to improves it services through user suggestions and more.

Google facts you might not know

  1. Translate breaks down barriers. An example given is how a community in Canada is using Translate to communicate with a refugee.
  2. Over 500 million people now use Google Translate.
  3. Over 100 billion words are translated each day.
  4. Trending searches also correlate to trending searches in Translate. A big spike last year was a translation for the word “Selfie”.
  5. The translation community has grown to 3.5 million people making 90 million contributions.
  6. Brazil uses Translate more than any other country; 92% of searches come from outside the US.
  7. Word Lens lets you translate images of text in 28 languages.
  8. In 2011, Google introduced the ability to have a bilingual conversation on Google Translate.
  9. Translate can be used without an Internet connection.
  10. Google looks forward to what the future holds for Translate

Happy Tenth Birthday Google Translate

Originally published at The dapperman project.



The dapperman project

I am a tech, personal finance, personal growth, relationship communication blogger.