Top 7 National parks that are in California

The dapperman project
5 min readApr 17, 2016

When you are deciding where to go this summer?

National parks should be at the top of your list because they offer an inexpensive experience with nature that is unrivaled. From a financial stand point, you are getting more fun per dollar spent than say if you when to an amusement park. By comparison, you would be spending more at the amusement park than you would at a national park in California. And as Wendy Redal from Good Natural Travel says, “Americans Concur: National Parks Beat Theme Parks for a Family Vacation!” In this article, Redal states that when it comes to the quality fun that national parks bring to the table Americans value that more than some theme park. She also backed this up with a personal account of her family vacation to central Florida. As you know, in Orlando Florida there is the Walt Disney World Resort where they made their stop. After Disney’s world, they went to subtropical greenery of Wekiwa Springs State Park north of Orlando. They bought tickets to canoe through Wekiva River, which only set those back $15 dollars for two hours of no stop fun. While there they got to meet a lot of the local wild life that is native to the state of Florida. Then she asked her son what he liked better he responded by saying, “I really couldn’t say. I like them both the same!” What this means is that you can go out to an amusement park and spend like crazy or go to a national park and get the same amount of fun for a lot less. Also according to a recent survey conducted by The Nature Conservancy that used two polling- firms one republican and one democratic- to estimate how registered voters view on conservation and natural resource protection. The results showed that 3 out of 4 Americans would rather vacation in a national park than at a standard tourist hot spot such as a theme park or packaged beach resort. Now these findings coincide with the environmental protection survey that found — 4 out of 5 Americans regardless of party affiliation feel it is their duty to care for the environment. So now that I got you eager to go visit a national park the following lists some of them so all you have to do is get you map or GPS tell it where you want to go.

National park week

Death Valley national park

At first hearing the words can make your back tingle but don’t fret this rugged east Californian dessert is excruciatingly hot during the summer months. During the winter and early spring months and you will find it surprisingly beautiful and full of color. First-time visitors are often awestruck by the desert’s vivid colors. For thousands of years, the people of the Timbisha tribe thrived here, migrating seasonally between the valley floor and more fertile mountains. The name Death Valley was bestowed in 1849 by a band of lost California-bound gold rushers, one of whom did actually die while trying to cross it. This does not seen too stop the runners of the Badwater Ultramarathon, a 135-mile race across the vast valley held in mid-July. The park has nine campsites and many of the lodges there are air conditioned, including the historic Furnace creek inn doubles from $365 now with this one you are paying for history. The next lodge on the list is Panamint Springs resort(doubles from $79, quadruples $94). Panamint you get to stay in a comfy lodge for a reasonably fair price.

National park week

Yosemite national park

With its beautifully crafted geology, and rich and diverse wildlife and world-class recreational opportunities,Yosemite, 200 miles east of San Francisco, is one of the crown jewels of America’s national park system. Three million years ago, when ice covered all but the highest peaks in the Sierra Nevada Yosemite’s granite wonderland was carved. Yosemite valley is known for fantastic rafting, hiking, fishing and wildlife watching, not to mention being a mecca for big-wall rock climbing. The adrenaline junkies really enjoy the rock climbing for its constant trills and danger looming always looming by. The park is often crowed in the summer and winter months. In the winter months the park becomes a tranquil snowy haven.Yosemite is best explored over at least several days. Overnight accommodation ranges from wilderness camping to cabins to the luxurious Ahwahnee Hotel, with doubles from $360 a night.

National  park week

Lassen Volcanic national park

50 miles east of Redding you can find the eye indulging Lassen Volcanic national park. Lassen’s 1915 blast makes it one of only two volcanoes to have erupted in the continental US in the 20th century (the other being Washington’s Mount Saint Helens in 1980). There by making it a very attractive place to visit and see hardened lava from that blast. After the volcano erupted it just decimated the area around it . To really experience it sign up for a photography, geology or birding workshop through the non-profit Lassen Association’s Field Seminar Program at Lassen national park.

national park week

Redwood national and state parks

Northern California boast the tallest trees, including 115.7m Hyperion, the world’s tallest living tree. Nobody (average Joe) really know where it is more secretive than a secret society.

Four developed campsites are scattered through out the parks, but no indoor accommodation are available inside the park boundaries. Quaint lodgings can be found in the nearby small towns of Klamath, Requa and Orrick, with larger hotels in Crescent City, Arcata and Eureka.

Redwood links camping, the search for the tallest tree, Redwood canopy tours: and

California national park

Channel Islands National Park

Channel Islands is located in southern California. This park has charming beaches and is a wonder to look at through the window of a plane. Channel Island is made up of 6 islands that is a beautiful combination of land and sea. with over 2,000 species of plants and animals inhabiting the park. Visitors can enjoy hiking, kayaking and diving in the surrounding waters

For more information, or to plan your visit, check out the Channel Islands National Park’s WikiTravel page or

Originally published at The dapperman project.



The dapperman project

I am a tech, personal finance, personal growth, relationship communication blogger.