MetaCene’s Alpha Test Is Complete: Community Insights

4 min readAug 8, 2023


In the evolving landscape of blockchain gaming, the recent Alpha Test of MetaCene, the blockchain MMORPG incubated and published by MixMarvel, provided a profound glimpse into the future. As players embarked on this journey from July 31st to August 7th, 2023, the gaming community awaited feedback and insights on this groundbreaking experience.

MetaCene’s Alpha Test was a pivotal moment in our journey to re-imagine the MMORPG universe through blockchain. Witnessing thousands of players, from MAN NFT holders to the wider gaming community, explore and engage with our world was truly exhilarating. Their feedback and experiences will be invaluable as we continue refining our vision, ensuring that MetaCene remains at the cutting edge of player-centric, blockchain-integrated gaming.” — shared Alan Tan, the game creator.

Deep Dive into the Alpha Experience

  • Exploration Zones — Origins of Clouds, Birdcry Town, and Sky Metropolis: The Alpha Test took players through three vivid landscapes, each narrating a different chapter of the MetaCene universe. Origins of Clouds delivered a mesmerizing visual introduction, while Birdcry Town pulsed with life, quests, and dynamic NPC interactions. Finally, Sky Metropolis stood as a testament to the future of digital societies, brimming with technological marvels.
  • Game Dynamics — PVE and PVP Gameplay: The test was designed to emphasize MetaCene’s unique blend of player vs. environment (PVE) and player vs. player (PVP) gameplay. With challenges tailored for individual and collective engagements, players navigated a universe where their choices mattered.
  • Achievements Unlocked — In-game Rewards and Recognition: The Alpha Test was more than exploration; it was a challenge, with Power and Mining Rankings, and rewards ranging from Advanced Mining Mecha to $USDT.
  • Behind the Scenes — Technical Aspects and Performance: Powered by the Rangers Protocol’s Robin Testnet, the Alpha Test sought to offer a seamless gaming experience. However, as with any test, it was also an opportunity to identify areas of improvement.

Community Feedback on the Groundbreaking Experience

Prominent names in the industry weighed in on the experience:

Big shoutout to MetaCene for an incredible tournament experience! Our gaming community had a blast during the alpha test, and it’s fantastic to witness other guilds getting in on the action too. The game has leveled up since our last playthrough — major kudos to the team! Keep up the great work!” — PathDAO

“Metacene’s science fiction universe is really captivating and once you log in, it’s hard to stop playing! The monsters are unique; some are even funny! Looking at you Land Sprite! Overall, I’ve had a blast being a gunner (pun intended) and managed to get to level 33. Looking forward to the launch! Kudos Metacene team!” — YGG

“In total, the MetaCene game impressively constructs its game within this genre.” — Ancient 8

Playing this game MetaCene gives me a nostalgic feeling! I remember my childhood feeling when partying with other people that I do not know personally. Exchanging stories while leveling up with the community is one of the best feelings and you can find it in MetaCene.” — ALLGUDINDAHUD

I really like the art style reminds me of Jojo’s adventure, and skill animations are smooth. And the red button to notify you when you picked up a higher power equipment.” — Valluna

A week of sheer gaming chaos! NFTXSTREET ventured into a PK-packed world, but the gameplay’s insanity took us by storm. From vengeance to mine protection — absolute madness. Drama, politics, and pesky bugs spiced up the alpha test. NFTXSTREET holds top ranks and readies for more ruthless PKing in the next round!” — NFTXS Guild

“I’m loving the game optimization…how smooth it currently is while exploring.” — Hooga Gaming

We had an amazing time testing Metacene. We enjoyed exploring multiple features of the game especially boss hunts and pvp! Although we encountered several bugs, it was expected since we are at the Alpha stage of the game. Overall, it was great experience for the guild!” — GuildHouse

A Look into the Numbers

  • Player Engagement: Of the 2961 enthusiasts who delved into the Alpha Test universe, a staggering 2663 (or roughly 90%) were engaged in Player vs Player (PVP) combat, underscoring the game’s intense and captivating battle dynamics. Such a high participation rate showcases the competitive spirit MetaCene incites and the immersive appeal of its combat scenarios.
  • Time Spent: Players collectively devoted an impressive 461916 minutes, further emphasizing the game’s ability to captivate and retain player attention.
  • Mining Success: Out of the participants, 480 individuals showcased their strategic prowess, successfully engaging in mining activities 2527 times.
  • Boss Battles: A key highlight was the elimination of 2258 bosses, a testament to the collaborative spirit and strategic acumen of the player community.
  • RPG (Rangers Protocol) Transactions: The gaming-centric blockchain that fuels MetaCene witnessed 112 RPG transactions and the birth of 29 fresh addresses.
  • USDT Transactions: There were an impressive 6,166 USDT transactions, accompanied by the creation of 1,225 new addresses.
  • MUD Transactions: Perhaps the most revealing metric lies in the MUD transactions, MetaCene’s in-game currency. There were 3,558 MUD transactions, leading to 846 new addresses. The diverse utility and functionality of the MUD token came to the fore during the Alpha Test.

The completion of MetaCene’s Alpha Testing marks an important milestone in the process of integrating immersive gameplay with blockchain utility. As insights emerge, they offer a blueprint for refinement, setting the stage for the Beta test and ultimately redefining blockchain gaming’s future.

About MetaCene

MetaCene is building a next-gen blockchain MMORPG homeland for mass players. It presents a surreal post-apocalyptic society where survivors interact with diverse NFTs to redefine civilizations. MetaCene pioneers player-centric entertainment, governance, and creation through innovative PVE and PVP gameplay, robust technology infrastructures, social guild DAO governance, sustainable economic systems, and in-game editors. MetaCene is founded by gaming experts with 20+ years of industry experience from Shanda Games, Blizzard, Perfect World, and others. It envisages a multi-chain future from Rangers Protocol with real-time confirmation and super-low gas fees.




Building an on-chain MMORPG homeland for mass players. 987 SERANGOON ROAD, SINGAPORE (328147)