Meta Fantasy Partners with GrowthEase to innovatively propel the metaverse experience

Meta Fantasy
3 min readOct 27, 2023

Meta Fantasy recently entered into a strategic partnership with GrowthEase, a leading one-stop enterprise service provider under NetEase Group, which stands as our cornerstone investor, infusing our metaverse vision with investment & tech prowess. This partnership is built on our complementary strengths and high degree of relevance, solidifying the already robust relationship between our companies. By joining forces, we aim to harness our combined advantages to facilitate the realization of the Metaverse, extending its business value to a multitude of enterprises.

Meta Fantasy is dedicated to establishing a comprehensive Metaverse space aggregation platform alongside a zero-code Metaverse editor. This pioneering initiative allows users seamless access from any device, employing virtual and augmented reality technologies to create immersive and interactive experiences across multiple platforms. Developers can efficiently offer captivating and diverse activities within these Metaverse spaces simply by using natural language to create their metaverse spaces, engendering endless creativity and interaction within this boundless virtual digital realm.

GrowthEase, with its 23 years of profound expertise in AI, big data, and communication audio/video technologies, stands as a one-stop enterprise service provider. Focused on PaaS and SaaS, it offers intelligent, data-driven, and contextual enterprise service solutions. Its principal business segments include CommsEase, GuardEase and BizEase. They serve over a million enterprises with communication and video cloud services, digital content security services, and comprehensive business growth services. GrowthEase commits to powering client growth through consistent technological innovation, enhancing business management efficiency with digital capabilities, and using data and intelligent algorithms to drive business expansion, thus acting as a catalyst for accelerated enterprise development.

Through our collaboration with GrowthEase, we anticipate bringing users an even more engaging virtual world experience. GrowthEase will support Meta Fantasy with cutting-edge AI technologies, including deep learning, reinforcement learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and virtual personas. This support will catapult Meta Fantasy into the next generation of internet application technology, enhancing user experience and satisfaction.

Simultaneously, Meta Fantasy will utilize GrowthEase’s technological prowess in intelligence, data, and contextual capabilities to craft hyper-realistic Metaverse events, audio/video content, live broadcasts, conferences, and other corporate service scenarios. This partnership will optimize the performance and stability of the Metaverse platform, delivering more immediate and dependable immersive experiences. Moreover, it ensures comprehensive corporate services that are secure and compliant, alongside diversified customer engagement strategies, actualizing full lifecycle customer interaction management.

Looking ahead, Meta Fantasy and GrowthEase will jointly construct benchmark applications for the metaverse. By uniting our technological and product strengths, we will empower metaverse developers and contribute to a more stable and enduring immersive user experience, helping to forge a high-quality, well-ordered metaverse development ecosystem. Additionally, we will explore new commercial models and ways of creating enterprise value within the metaverse together, advancing market expansion for metaverse technologies and injecting more innovation and growth into the industry.

