The real limitless pill is within you, here is how to unlock it! (part1)

DISCLAIMER! The information given in this article is for educational purposes only, please consult your physician for personalized medical advice

4 min readAug 8, 2022


Photo by Bret Kavanaugh on Unsplash

For 4 billion years, evolution has shaped us to save as much energy as possible “when there is no need to use it”, it did that by developing energy hormones, and using them to control energy usage throughout the body, hormones that their fluctuations control everything from your self esteem, energy levels, motivation, focus, productivity, mood, hope, opportunity seeking, and the list goes on… These hormones are so powerful that they can even alter the way you perceive the world around you.

Today, you are going to learn how to insanely increase your productivity levels using bio hacks that I'm about to teach you in a series of articles. This series, if you pay attention, will be the last series you read on productivity, because once you understand how to alter your hormones, to hack your brain and body in order to increase energy and unlock insane performance, using just simple practices that our ancestors used for millions of years without knowing, then, and only then, you’ll become truly, LIMITLESS.

Photo by v2osk on Unsplash

Our ancestors routine!

So, our great ancestors were following a routine involving 4 important habits in order to survive :

  • getting hungry
  • searching for food (by hunting animals or cultivating fruits)
  • eating
  • and then resting until they get hungry again

Now you may think, what does this have to do with productivity?

Well, everything. let me explain…

imagine yourself as an entity made out of approximately 37 trillion cells connected together to form all your body parts and organs, each cell has a diameter that can vary between 1 micrometer and a 100 micrometer, with a nucleus at the center of more than 80 percent of them, which contains the genetic information needed to keep you alive. and up to date.

Now, you can imagine evolution as a programmer that is living inside every biological creature, including you, his work is to write the best genetic code that will reduce pain and increase pleasure in the creature by programming it to possess the right features for survival (best body structure, brain, organs, hormones…), the programmer is just sitting there waiting for a command from the hormones that the creature releases into the blood stream. When the biological creature encounters a stressful event, cortisol (a stress hormone) is released from the adrenal glands, it triggers the programmer to start writing a better code, if it succeeded to keep the creature alive, the code can stay until it gets passed down to the next generation of the species.

This is exactly how evolution developed every species on earth for 4 billion years.

Now, if you were that programmer, how would you choose to program your creature to spend its energy? well, if you chose to make it use all of the energy it gets from the food it eats, the probability of the creature losing more energy than it gets is high, and therefore, the probability of it dying from starvation is also high.

What about if you chose to make it preserve all the energy it gets? Well, in that case, the creature would not be able to search for food, because that would make it lose energy, so it will eventually die from starvation.

Now, what about if you took the best out of both choices? Well, that’s where the magic happens. The creature will be able to preserve energy when there is an abundance of pleasure (food and water, sex, suitable temperature…) and a lack of stress (food scarcity, unsuitable temperature,…), and use more energy when the opposite happens, because in this case, choosing to preserve energy would be a death sentence for the creature.

The more stress the creature gets the more energy it releases for use. Remember that, we’ll get back to it later in this article.

That’s the choice evolution have made, and it’s the reason behind your low performance, focus, productivity, and every other things that is stopping you from releasing your full potential. Fortunately though, YOU CAN HACK IT !! by following the simple rituals that I'm about to disclose in this series of articles.

1. Fasting :

Photo by AB on Unsplash

Remember this guy? You probably do, as he was one of the most successful, charismatic, powerful entrepreneurs in the world. According to his official biography, Steve Jobs learned from an early age that he could induce euphoria by choosing not to eat for long periods of time, sometimes up to a week. he didn't know it back then, but what he was actually doing is a powerful bio hack to increase his productivity to insane levels.

Did you really think that his success was a coincidence? It’s not, nothing is.

There are other rituals that you can follow along with fasting, which I am not going to cover today, otherwise, the article would be so long for it to be my first article. I hope you liked this part, the next part would be about how does fasting work, why do I fast 3 days a week, why you should too, why insulin concentration matters, and how to alter it for performance boost.

To be continued…

