MetaWars Announces New Partnership with MetaGods

2 min readNov 16, 2021


MetaWars is pleased to announce its partnership with MetaGods, the world’s first action RPG built on the blockchain. This will be a great entry into the world of a unified metaverse. We believed that a shared, player-owned economy is the way forward in this ever-changing landscape. By working together, we will provide a better experience for gamers, play-to-earn scholars, and metaverse lovers.

The MetaGods team aspires to mint generative NFTs for the benefit of the community. They are all gamers at heart, and as such, their primary objective is to quickly release a playable game with an in-game token economy. Through this partnership, MetaWars will work to cooperate with MetaGods throughout its early stages. The MetaWars team is excited by the idea of working with MetaGods. We are delighted to welcome them to our community as we continue to build out the ecosystem and accelerate the growth of the metaverse.

“We’ve always had a deep fascination with space exploration, and futuristic mech battles. We believe MetaWars is at the forefront of making one of the best games in this genre. We are very excited to create crossover characters and find ways to grow both gaming economies in parallel. This is an amazing start for MetaGods x MetaWars.” — Jack, the Co-founder of MetaGods

Keep an eye out for future updates on the status of this partnership and remember to follow us on social media!

About MetaGods

MetaGods is an 8-bit, play-to-earn action RPG where players fight against the gods on the path to ascension. Each character NFT is created by the union of mortals, demigods, and titans. They will team up with each other and fight epic bosses, while slowly becoming true gods themselves.

The game works with a dual token system. The $MGOD and $RELIC are the two tokens of the platform. $MGOD is used as the governance token of the project and can be used to enter special events. $RELIC is an earnable in-game currency that supports the play-to-earn structure of MetaGods.

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About MetaWars

MetaWars is a play-to-earn next-generation blockchain-backed GameFi ecosystem. Explore and battle throughout the metaverse to gain a vast fortune. $WARS, NFTs and In-game token $GAM can be mined by staking which can be used to earn across the GameFi metaverse and in the future strategic game. We aim to expand this voyage into uncharted territory.

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Answer your calling: Play-to-earn your way up as we explore this #Metaverse of the unknown!